CF Admins bad?

So u guys were thinking the cf admins were bad? that krosan is an ass and frop a nazi?
well then you certainly didnt take a look into the starcraft community the moderators from could be even more awfull for you guys :D

Quote::mod edit::

There will be no balance complaints, racial whining, any further stupid fucking comments in this, or any other GSL thread. I'm tired of having to go through the thread and ban people who think they're so clever and witty after terran wins a game and say "oh so u still dont think terran is op wololololol". It's not funny, and it leads to unnecessary flamewars and heated discussions which are NOT needed in a Live Report thread. That means stupid shit like "sc2 is better than bw", "he threw the match", etc. are all bannable.

If you fail to heed this warning you will be issued with a 2-day temp ban, ezpz.

also i had two warnings for bad english when i wrote "why wud u wna watch a movie with ur parents anyway"

XD its starcraft so yeah...
that IS some terrible english
its perfect internet english
"why would you want to watch a movie with YOU ARE parents anyway"
well, i kinda understand them
its about the pronunciation..
why would you want to watch a movie with YOU ARE parents anyway, grtz gangster dezire

that could work
do u even get the whole thing or?
maybe they are mad cause you wrote "why wud u wna" instead of "why would you want to" ?
yes :P and i was comparing that to cf that they dont care about that, but on TL u get warned for it :)
so why do you reply "do u even get the whole thing or?" ???
"grtz gangster dezire" i dont see the part when im gangster
if you don't understand what my point is then it ain't no use to discuss with you
first of all, that you are makes no sens, since i wrote ur + that is the wrong way to write it anyway, since its just about the pronunciation. so dont complain there about anything gramaticly, since i know its wrong, i do that on purpose.. the whole point is the difference between cf and TL, so keep ure badass replies to urself if they dont make sens or arent related
ur= your ure/u're= you are
CF admins are retards
doing a good job once youre banned
understandable, they should do it here aswell.
0 tolerance towards kiddo's.
Indeed they are insane.. banned me a couple of times for nothing.
Sounds pretty reasonable there...
I think these guys are total nerds.. browsing the same site everyday :DDD so pathetic imo
+1 totally man.
And how is that different from cf?
Looks like u found the funniez ::::)
the guy above me must be newschooler
i like them at least some ;)
sc1 demo was awesome!
Insta-ban for retarded comments :P deal with it
Fucking admins... I guess without the site they wouldn't be chatting shit... but without the users they would have no money or visitors... so they fucked.
A few days ago I was sitting on vent telling people how well moderated Team Liquid is. It is easily the best moderated site I browse and considering their ridiculously large userbase the admins should be praised for what a good job they do.

Spamming isn't tolerated and ignorance isn't an excuse. If you can't abide by those simple rules then you won't be on TL for long and rightly so.
i am just showing the difference, open for discussion. im not judging anything, maybe yes im using words wich may implie that, but its more ment like 'you cf guys think u have it hard'
You said TL is ridiculous. It's anything but.

It's a model for how a website should be moderated.
k ure right, i wrote that wrong, i actually agree with you :p

They have rules and they follow them (@ TeamLiquid), whereas Frop edits journal titles because he is bored.
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