win7 ping problem

i've got some problems with my connection it should be around 40to70! but its around 100to150 now.. so how can i fix this lag/ping?(win 7 64bit)

have a nic day...
it's not a problem which comes from ur os. maybe contact ur provider :p
be happy, people with 80-110 ping have the most hitbox advantage anyway
advantage over his or enemy's hitboxes? I usually got like 98 ping
when you ping around 90-100, you get like 30% more hs.
and how do you know that?
ahahahah :D its like reading a bible!
install linux and if problem persist blame yourself for bad diagnosis ;p
ok i've installed linux now what?
check your connection :P if you have 40to70 stick to linux, but if you don't call isp.
are you using wifi?
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