Cohen's blogs nr.38 :~>

sup friends :~>

been some hard week with exercise all week meaning 2-3 hours sleeping per night and sometimes white nights [no sleep at all]

ha ha i asked my friend how was his test and he said i cant even remember, as far as i know i may have been doing weed and woke up : D

damn officer's training course !

and of course

image: 81279486

shoutout to: Netherlands sebastian, Netherlands kevin

my best e-net nerd friends :~>
so you slept 10-15hours the last 5days? I do not believe that :)
For officer training in the Israel army ?
For officer training in the Israel army ?
Lol, even i have done that in my Finlandarmy service, no sleep in ~70 hours and after that few nights with only 2-3 hours per night. And this guy is on Israel's army officer course = one of the toughest military services in the world.
hmm ok that's crazy :/ you must feel so fucking bad after a few days I suppose then :D ?
you go into zombie mode :~>
I suppose you are hungry all the time too?
Best way to keep hunger away for me was smoking. If we didnt have any food left, everytime you felt the hungry feeling you lighted another smoke :DD
:s not sleeping enough + smoking = healthy :D
It's sick, you will start to see hallusinations(?) and your body is kinda "overburned" already. One of my m8s started to accidentally speak foreign languages and someone claimed that he saw an elephant (In deep Finlandwinter forest -.-) But you'll get used to it after a while.
sounds like he really was sick :-)
yea, was fun to watch him eat caffeine(?) tablets and throw up to the Finlandmiinasija he was digging lol
its not that bad actually when you get used to it

though we had few pretty dead guys after while not getting any proper sleep
I don't think you can get used to it. Your body needs an average of around 7-8hours of sleep
well we're talking about small fraction of time - a week, as long as you take care of getting enough water, energy, food the sleep wont be a problem even if it would be 2-3h per night or not even that, perfectly functionable
"perfectly functionable"

read mana's comment above :D a normal human being cannot work perfect if he gets 2/3hours of sleep my friend
as long as u can walk, aim and shoot its perfect!

not everyone sees elephants no matter how tired or exhausted they might be :D
Yes you can, do you think that in all the wars the soldiers slept 8 hours?
And a human body need 5 hour to function properly, the accepted number is 7 hour
That's not true. It depends on your circadian rythm. You need 2 REM-fase in your sleep. That counts for +- 4-5hours. With 5 hours you will be capable of functioning normal in the every day life. Some people who have a very busy life & see much things.. will need more sleep because your brains needs to work through all the information you get.

The reason they can survive with 2-3hours sleep is because your body starts refueling after like 1-1.5hour (the deep sleep fase), that's also the reason why they start hallucinating & go weird after a couple days, the brain needs more REM-sleep to recover from the day.


PS: (difficult to explain with my english vocabulary)
meneer heeft precies al goeie examens afgelegd :D
ge zegt nu toch da ge 4-5uur slaap nodig hebt? da is toch ni wa die manne hebben...
2u slaap is voldoende om fysiek in leven te blijven. Maar om geestelijk alles te verwerken hebt ge uwe remslaap nodig, die moet 2x/slaap voorkomen om alles te verwerken (minstens). Da duurt ongeveer 5uur. Maar als ge alleen fysiek moet wakker blijven, zoals in de oorlog.. hebben de meeste genoeg aan 2u. :)

Ge kunt het best dan nog 5x / dag een half uurke fzo slapen :) dan zijt ge fysiek volledig inorde, maar uw geestelijke toestand gaat achteruit per dag :D

Ik studeer verpleegkunde nu, dus dees heeft vrij weinig te maken met wa 'k studeer. Maar wel met psychologie wa'k vorig jaar deed & wa'k kei interessant vond ;) & nog steeds :D
ah ok :p awel ja tis da e die 5uur, ge zijt ni veel int leger as ge enkel kunt rechtstaan e ;D als ge u geweer ni kunt gebruike kunde beter nog paar uurkes pitte da ge aan die 5u komt.. en dan nog als ge 5dagen 5uur slaapt zijde nog een wrak e
bwah.. ik heb een heel laag circadiaan ritme. Ik slaap elke dag 6u, soms 7 :)
true :D ik zit niet in de oorlog hé :D
true, ma uwen uitleg van 5u is int algemeen veronderstel ek é :D

anyway, ik slaap lekker elke nacht 9uur xD
tijdverspilling ! :D
Ja 5u = random eigenlijk hoor. niemand heeft even veel slaap nodig :D
QuoteAnd this guy is on Israel's army officer course = one of the toughest military services in the world.

Who ever told you that? oO

Any way, there is the combat officer course and the non-combat officer course. I'll let you guess which one he is doing :p
Thought he is in the combat officer course.
rofl that random picture

girl derpy derping
I find it relatively funny that the israeli people justify killing and robbing the palestinians of their land by the land being theirs and given to them by god. I mean, other people have lived there for two thousand years, how possibly could it still be theirs?
we have nuclear bombs and ballistic missiles we can do what ever we want 8D
A.k.a. the American Dream
I don't know what to cry for, you been so stupid, or you been a complete piece of shit that has as much intelligence as a cockroach
what did he say wrong ?
Stupid name to a stupid series
make love not war
Nice to see you're doing so well friend :))
thanks my yuuu de manne friend

please let me greet you in your own language

jij bent een aap !
Little bit bored at work, still few hours to go :/

Working for army too, ahiahiahi ;)
Shabat babasis
shush-mekotzeret !
Hamshush matok shavoa Haba... Sof hatironot karev
are u learning krav maga?
no but he's probably playing tekken or street fighter
i can do shurikan !
shit soldier is shit :D
I did Krav Maga for 2y :D
respect bro :D
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