spartacus series 2?

anyone who watched spartacus would know it was an epic bit of tv. well, i loved it anyway.

just found a link to the first episode of series two....or a prequel to it anyway.

its FREE online to watch (so no deleting this frop :P )

spartacus* if I remember right..
haha. ok ok. edited :P
omfg best serias ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
watched the first 2 episodes after seeing ppl being positive about the series here on cf

worst shit ever made, seriously wtf were they thinking (naked muscled men.. WTF)
the story is epic.

ok the way its filmed is like 300, and maybe a bit gay .... but tbh, its how they were in those days! the first 2 episodes were only really setting the story up, you should have given it a chance.
+1 loved the serie aswell :)
i never had the thought the producers had the intention to show how life was back then... it indeed looked like 300-the series. to me its just another stupid sex & violence series, nothing i'd waste my time on...

but yes i'm aware that judging a series on 2 episodes might be wrong... still i was expecting something at least a bit less trashy
first 2 episodes were meh, but after those its the most epic show ive ever seen.
love spartacus. will watch
Were on the internet can i watch the first sesion? Google is bad <:
Love it :d

wtf? so many new actors?
is it the sequel to blood & sand one?
Prequel &_& read my link above
I thought they were making the sequel lol, cause there were words about Rome
They'll probably cover all of that in season 2.
Gonna watch it now! Thx :)
Loved the first serie, absolutly epic tv. Thanks for the link :D
Chicks were unbelievably hot
Watched it already. I wasn't sure if it would be any good at the beginning but it turned out to keep the first season's feeling.

I just hope they take someone who will fit the role of Spartacus in the next season because the vision of seeing Dominic Purcell as the main character is not comforting at all. The same goes for that faggot Wentforth Miller as they both were taken in cosideration to replace Whitfield.
Whitfield has cancer, right?
Actually he has been cured quite a while ago and Whitfield will fulfill the roll of Spartacus himself, atleast this is how it was about 2 months ago i think.

Meh just found out someone else will take the role, with the blessing of Andy.


MM apparently i can't keep track off time anyway, he was cured in June, but got called back by the doctors in September.
yes but then he got sick again and they got a new actor I think to replace him.
Yea i just noticed myself on the Starz forum, edited my comment twice already now ^^
Yeah. There was a moment where they thought he'd be totally cured and ready to return to acting but it turned out his condition wouldn't get as good as it takes.
kept season 1 feeling, addition of jaime murray is excellent, and will be interesting to see asher lose his leg, oenomaus gain doctore, krixus rise etc.
woah, must admit it does look rly good.
Can't wait to see next episodes!
Very sad to see Andy go through this the show is just amazing it had me hooked week after week
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