jalo needs moviemaker

since hste's monitor is fucked and he cant finish my movie (he has NO IDEA how long it will be till this is fixed)

If anyone is intressed in making a short fragmovie (just around 4 mins) with watchable quality and hitsounds.
got some sick frags ":D", frags against skilled opponents etc.

#inteRaction.et /q jalo or jaloOFF or send me a pm here
hste never finished a project :PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
get monitors and muscel
hste = KAPITAN ?
no reltu = kapitan :P
gl yo

i want to learn moviemaking soon
Quotesince hste's monitor is fucked and he cant finish my movie (he has NO IDEA how long it will be till this is fixed)

hahahahahahaa :DD something always happens to hste and he cant finish his movies ;DD
I cant record on my small screen...
This is the best excuse from a moviemaker ever :DDDDDDD I was bored by the HDD excuse already.
do it ur self, easiest!
hmmmm lettu, dunno how :P and i dont have a free HDD space ;))
if you are gay, please reply :o
if you are gay, please reply :o
could make a frapsmovie :D but with hitsounds!
"got some sicks frags"

lies !
need moviemaker for what ? 2 men backfucks ?
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