LoL Shen?

Has anyone tried to build Shen as something else as a supporter/tank? If so how did it go? Would like to try it out since he's really one of the heroes that can decide a game.
shen dps worked really well

xD I heard he's pretty sick as a dps I've heard. Late levels he is almost one of the only champions who can take a tank down 1on1.
Hes a tank
Ap shen prettygood too
I've played AP Miss Fortune, Magephite, Tankwick, AD Kassadin, AD Rammus, AP Tryndamere, Tanksticks, AP Yi and Tankplank.

All were pretty viable, should try DPS Shen soon :(
please tell me youre talking dota.
Mix AP/Tank Shen worked pretty decent last time I tried and I was pretty noob back there
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