bodybuilding + food

Hi thar!
Since i've been doing some exercises myself and was curious about what do you eat, when do you do it, how many times etc etc. The main thing would be when and what. The idea is to gain muscle weight.
Is it true that it is most important to eat within 30 minutes after workout?
Just finished workout and now eating an omelette with beans, onion ,carrot and orange. Tastes delicious. : )

First meal of the day: buckwheat + eggs
Last meal of the day: ??? chicken/ cottage cheese ???
pm alexL for pro-tips :)
Important thing is to eat a lot. Have about 5 meals a day, plenty of protein.
Nonix, AlexL and the internet will help you.
lol Nonix said that he is a bodybuilder. Did you see a picture of him?! lol
he's in pretty decent shape
he also said that he stopped it like 2 years ago ?
People have different goals. Some want to gain as much muscle mass as possible, some like to look aesthetic/athletic/"ripped".
He's trained not overpumped ;) And besides that he doesn't train that much anymore.
Eat all day long, it's just that simple.

When you finished your workout eat within 30 minutes ye, and maybe some kind of shake shall do it.
proteins are the most important thing :)
and train everything, not just solely arms & chest, but most builders forget to train their legs as well!
Do each day one group, like one day: arms, the other one legs, the other one abs etc (you can combine some, dont know whether it's arms & chest , or that's not recommended I don't know)

by doing legs as well you gain that nice boost of testosterone so you can keep arms up fit as well.

Also build in a rest day
my workout schedule is
monday : chest
tuesday : tri/biceps
wednesdays : legs
thursdays : back , shoulders
friday : tri/biceps

saturday /sunday i just lay around doing nothing :)
tbh i wouldn't make 2 day break but rather 2 breaks after each 3 days eg
Dont train 5 days,

Train monday, rest, train wednesday, rest, train friday

monday chest
tuesday biceps/triceps
wed depends on mood , if i go to gym on wednesday i just go for cardio
thursday back/shoulders
friday chest

weekend party hard
my workout schedule is
monday: shoulders
tuesday: legs
wednesday: lnothing
thursday: chest + triceps
friday: nothing
saturday: back + biceps
sunday: nothing
gonna do some interval trainings on free days
"most of the builders"

You mean like wannabe-builders or decent builders? :P
people who know what they're doing, won't forget it
Of course you got the machos in the gym with huge arms & chest and small legs, but they're doing it wrong
Yeah, but in the gyms I go I havent yet seen these retards who only trained their upper-body. (2 guys i saw i guess)

I personally train legs twice a week.

Olympic-squat is the best for legs tbh, atleast for me. :D
They are there
I prefer legs too cause that's my strong part :) (see volleyball)
Actually when I go to the gym (only occurs one month a year) I got stronger legs than almost every person in there! (but then they do arms and I fail miserably :D)

Some beginners also forget to do the moves controlled & slow,
What is or you assume would be your 1 rep max in olympic or normal squat?

When I started to do o-squats, I started with 80 if i recall right.

Nowadays doing 3x15, legs are always dead after that =)
hullu kyykky
No jalat ny vaan sattuu olee aika saatanan vahvat, geenit, futis ja kova treeni =D nopeehan toi tulee kun sita alkaa tekemaan. Itella ei normaalikyykyt ota oikeen, joutuu laittaa nii saatanasti painoo siihen.
Ite kyykkään voimanostotyylisesti ja sain about 8 viikossa sarjapainot 50kg x8 -> 102,5kg x5, perse niin alas tietenki ku menee. Sit yläselästä alko mennä joku hermo jumiin jatkuvasti aina ku otti tangon hartioille nii meni melkee kuukausi treeniaikaa ton liikkeen suhteen hukkaan, ennenku löysin sen vian :( Nyt taas pikkuhiljaa kasvattanu painoja, huomenna pitäs ottaa 100kg 3x5
Huomenna viela lepo, tiistaina 2h kestavyytta ylakroppaan. Vatsoja 150kpl, 30-sarjoissa 5kpl. Joo kannattaa kattoo syvakyykyssa varsinki ettei selka heilu.
PENKKI PÄIVÄ mulla siinä ohessa
Penkki <3

paljonko maksimi ykkone raw?
Perjantaina kokelin nii sain 80kg, en oo ennen maksimii kokellu. Maalis-huhtikuuhun mennessä suunnittelin että sais 100kg pukattua.
Jooh, itel 112,5kg tavote kesakuuhun. Ojentajia muista teha kans, helpottaa varsinki penkkimaksimissa iha helvetisti jos on vahvat ojentajat.
never actually squatted like that, but once used a squatmachine (they're crap :p) but I could 115 kg for like 3x20
I do with 80 also, thou 4x12 times :)
Alotin ite sillo 80 kilolla, nykyaa o reilusti enemman painoa, mutta helvetin hyva ja tarkee liike.
if you want to gain muscle you'll need a hypocaloric diet (eat more calories than you burn off)

eating/drinking something protein rich after a workout is helpful indeed

you should also focus on compound exercises (squats, deadlifts, OHP, bench, pull ups, rows, dips etc.) rather than isolation exercises to improve testosterone levels

rather than omelette try going for something more protein rich and lower in fat, such as a protein shake, can of tuna, grilled chicken breast, fish fillet, etc.

read articles for any info, it covers everything you will need and more

e: a lot of people recommend eating 6 meals per day in smaller portions...personally, i've looked into this quite a bit and afaik there is no actual evidence to support it improves metabolism - and cut cardio down to once or twice a week if you're doing any, it'll drastically halt your gains

e2: also, as the dude before me said, rest is important - hypertrophy occurs when resting so try not to work the same muscle groups more than once per week (4-5 days rest is ideal)
well thx first, but tbh you need fat and what i 've read from forum last meal of the day shoud be with decent fat level so that the proteins that you eat can be digested longer. Also what i read is that you need about 80 g of fat each day
you do need fats indeed, but there are better sources than egg'd be much better off incorporating fats from nuts and oils

specific measures will vary depending on your size/metabolism so don't aim for specific amounts of anything (e.g. 80g fat, 120g protein w/e) unless you've used proper calculators etc. already
yea that was just an avg number, i know that you should eat 2 g of proteins for each kg u weight
btw building up your pattern is recommended

start with a light weight but do it a lot, e.g.: pectorial fly, start with a weight you can do 30 of (don't underestimate it) , wait a minute
25x with one weight up, wait a minute
20x with another weight up, minute
15x with again another weight, minute
work that up till 5x

that will bulk you quite fast
I once began (only for a month for staying occupied in between season & preparation for next season) mixing cardio & muscle gain.
That worked out quite well if I'm fair.

I started with running in intervals, like build up walking then run at 15 km/h for 7' straight, then wait till my heartrate is below 140, then run 18 km/h for 5' and then 21 for 3'

After that I started working on the powerpart (leighter weights but fast & a lot, then add weights etc) Actually worked up my legpush till 200 kg for 40 times (and then all weights were used :D)

In that one month I gained a lot of strength & musclse, well I didn't bulk that's for sure but that wasnt what I intended

P.S.: didnt eat any diet or so
Just had a look through their forums as I've decided I want too lose some weight (maybe 5-10pounds to start off over the next month/two).

Guess first port of call is to sort out diet (I calculated my needed calorie intake, and how much needed to lose a pound a week but it's actually doing it that's the hard bit...).
How much effort is losing 5-10 pounds (run in the morning every day will suffice?)
Well probably not too hard, but I struggle to lose weight around my stomach without being properly dedicated to it, it's more wanting to lose fat around one area than bring my actual weight down.

And a run every day probably would suffice, but I literally HATE running. So I'd rather sort out my diet (which should be a given anyway) and do some weights/cardio.
Go for a run with shuki
I'd run on Shuki.
diet is much more important than exercise tbh...having three biscuits in the morning when you could easily say no would negate the two miles of running you did that day

exercise IS however key for the following reasons (and more):

weights - building muscle mass will improve your resting metabolism, and help you keep the weight off in future
cardio OR weights - actually going on a treadmill/bike/rower etc. and seeing how hard it is to burn off a few hundred calories really makes you reconsider your intake
cardio - not only burns calories when doing the exercise but improves weight loss rates during rest for up to 24 hours afterwards (more if you do HIIT - google for info)

either way, weight loss is easy with the motivation and time, just a reasonable diet (everyone knows what's good and what's bad) and exercise will be enough

aim to drop around 1 pound a week btw, if you try and drop weight any faster than that, you'll most likely be losing muscle, the more you cut out of your diet (say a calorie deficit of 1000 as opposed to 500) the harder it is to maintain in the long run

best of luck bro, i'm back on a diet as of 2 days ago also! i'm aiming for abdominal definition this time, so my goal is gonna be further from me than yours!
Ye I was looking to drop down to about 2300 calories, although raising that up a little bit when I start doing a bit more exercise. To be honest, it's all common sense when only aiming for a bit of wait loss; don't eat shit, don't have to many bears (:D), and just do some exercise. I'm more interested in doing cardio, and using machines as opposed to doing free-weights, but I hear free weights are more productive?

Good luck buddy
free weights will allow you to use more muscles and get faster strength/muscle gains because they incorporate stabiliser muscles for balance

re: alcohol....

well, it's not necessarily 'harder to burn off' - it's the fact that if you take in 1000 alcohol calories, you gain zero nutritional value, but if you go 1000calories over in steak and chips, you'll get the benefits of carbohydrate/protein intake
alcohol essentially provides empty ye, not good

i still drink once in a while, but to keep alcohol calories to a minimum i only drink if i'm going on a night & diet coke usually (fruit juice is actually quite high in calories due to the sugars)

i don't really know what you drink but 10 pints of lager is between 1500-2000 calories (daily intake for some guys), and vodka is around 50 cal per 25ml shot i think (same as most spirits afaik)
Ye I'm thinking on cutting back on the beers, because won't be unusual to have 5/6 pints, then fair few vodka + mixers, and then some VKs/bottled beers/jagerbombs. Gotta sort that out really lol.

Thanks for the hints.

e: your reward

no reward necessary! good choice though
Oh btw, how bad is drinking? I know spirits > beer, etc it's just I'm never sure how many calories I knock back when I go out (but pretty sure it's in the 1000s as opposed to the 100s lawl), and if the weight I put on that way is any harder to burn off than from eating a normal meal.
go to a bodybuilding forum, there a thousand topics about this..
I don't know much about bodybuilding and the required food. I do workout and I eat quite a lot of proteins but mostly to lose weight and retain muscles (or work against the fat/muscle loss ratio during the diet)
Building up new ones during a calorie deficit is (almost) impossible.

When I'm done with that in summer/fall this year, I'll concentrate on actually gaining muscles/mass to fill up excess skin.

When are you training your actual gamingmuscles again?
Cause i love to see you play again man!
Not gonna happen with 5on5. Atleast not in a serious team again.

I could imagine playing in a LAN fun team or something like that though :-)
play in my 5on5team and make me the happiest man on earth!
that's nice to hear :)
image: optimum-nutrition-serious-mass-5_45kg_45kg

1250 kcal/por - perfect for gaining weight

and ye what the others said. eat like 5-6 times a day and lots of protein.

"omelette with beans, onion ,carrot and orange" - sounds okej but you need even more proteins
Where to get this shit?;o
well I live in swe but i assume that its american stuff. i get it from (swedish site)
Alright thanks mate, i'll translate it!
image: chicken
Eat it till you die
eat is till you die
avoid porc
anything with extra protein will make you fart a LOT
Used to train 4-5 times a week, now i just do 3 times a week. (A training = 2h)

FAST MASS2 + MUSCLE are both good.

Just eat chicken and rice, and will fit =D

e: Misread
msg raskL
bodybuilding lol

when u get a tone of muscles then what? u're still a nerd who can't get laid.
You mad coz it applies to you?
no, I'm just saving u the trouble, cause I care about u
Most people here make it sound so difficult, no idea why you would ask for advice here anyway. :D

Forgot multisplit programs and focus on 3-6 different compound-lifts, like rahul said, where you start progressively adding weight from workout to workout. Three different exercises for biceps wont get you big, a 250kg deadlift will. Google 'Starting Strength', I promise that you wont regret it.

You dont get muscles and strength from working out, but while recovering. Eating 5 times a day and 30-60 grams of protein per meal. If you are stalling / not developing, you know you need to add calories.

E: Here's two god-tier articles I recommend anyone to read
that site is so awesome, read so many articles that helped me a lot
rofl at all these comments :D one day legs, other day arms, 6 meals a day pffffft :'D
Eat 1-1.5/g Protein per pound of body weight every day
Lift heavy (low reps high weight rather than low weight high reps)
Find out your daily calorific needs and eat 200-500 calories over that per day to gain around 1lb per week
Eat clean
my first meal of day also was weed
best meal ever
There's a lot of good info here sprinkled with bullshit. The truth is:

1.) You need to eat more calories than necessary to maintain your weight

2.) Macronutrient ratio is the second most important goal of what you eat, so make sure you consume approximately 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight. Fat equivalent to about 0.5-1g per pound of body weight and then the rest with carbohydrates to take you to approximately 500 more than your maintenance.

3.) Meal timing means almost nothing, so working out and then having a protein shake filled with high glycemic carbohydrates isn't going to turn you into the incredible hulk. Instead consistency of eating is most important.

4.) Eat as many meals as necessary to reach your nutritional goals, whether this is 1,2,3,5 etc

5.) Train with intensity, vary your work outs, for muscular atrophy keep rest times reasonably short 2 minutes between sets.

6.) Compound exercises should be used to stimulate as many muscle fibres as possible whilst building practical strength.

7.) Adequate sleep and rest is essential, working out 5 times a week for a beginner is pointless, if you've just started do full body work outs of upper/lower 3 times a week with a day break inbetween. If you've been lifting longer, try a 3 day split, and if you've been working out for years and really struggling to gain mass, a 5 day split with a lot of concentration on each body part with two days of rest will probably be best.

Forget about what people have told you about the yolks in eggs, for a more complete amino acid profile it's best to leave the yolks with your eggs and although not all fats are equally good for you, the difference between the fat in egg yolks/chicken/nuts/oils is very small. Best of luck in your goals!
Most important of all, scale and calipers for fat and weight measurement so you can really fine tune your nutrient needs by watching both, I've found that the best, as a natural, is to be gaining max 1-1.5kg a month (without creatine ofc).. just guessing or going by the normal bulking/Cutting numbers doesn't work for everyone :p I tried the "defaults for bulking" for 3 months and gained 9kg's but it was mostly fat.. Better to really find out what you need so you don't end up having to cut so much and end up losing all your hard earned work! Also saves a shitload of money and you can look good all year instead of just in summer :D
Very true you should listen to your own body, every bodies different. For a newbie gaining 2kg in a month is certainly realistic.
I can't see any reason why would anyone start using 3-4-5(wtf, 5?) split programs. These multisplit-programs are popular because all shit fitness-magazines spreads info how all juiced heavyweight-bodybuilders use them. There isnt any proper coaching in professional bodybuilding and that is the result.

I dare to say that all natural trainers get better gains when training their body through twice or three times a week instead of this bullshit.
Well it allows you to get more rest per body part. The problem with the every other day or work out etc. is it's REALLY easy to burn out if you lift heavy and have high intensity work outs.

On top of that I find (and I'm sure others would agree) after doing say a bench press, I exhaust my delts and hence doing a shoulder press afterwards is incredibly difficult.
Have you read about Bulgarian training methods? The volume and intensity in their programs are insane. I guess its about getting your body used to the strain. I mean, they include all kind of squat variations 6+ times a week + cleans, jerks and other olympic lifting -stuff.
roids m8 :D
i think there's a pretty big difference between the approach powerlifters and bodybuilders take, so i'd bear that in mind

powerlifters (from what i know) tend to train much less
This article is so hilarious! :D Full of bullshit without knowledge. But thanks for the laugh!
what do you expect , this is a gamingcommunity
+1 hehe oot oikeessa :D, vieläkö oot jaksanu käydä salilla?
Joo totta kai! Yhteistulos on lähellä 500 ;)
Dodii :)! Se on jo tosi jees tulos...Itellä dietti alkaa kohta ja ois tarkotus päästä tosi tiukkaan kesäkuntoon, 99kg->85kg
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