One of the best youtubes I've seen in a while!

Who needs JayZ when you can be Welsh eh owzo?

(You may need to be British to find it funny!)
its sucks :D
sniffin on the miaow miaow
Be shoutcaster on next rtcw cup!
posting this kind of journal is not allowed i believe.

Several journals with youtube videos i posted have been deleted.
this journal gets fropped ;p
youtube journal = ban
Was on Rude Tube.
inb4 gettin fropped
brilliant idd, but still a repost..
it's ok the first time you watch it :[ the chorus was brilliant imo 8D
You would appreciate the GLC version 10000times more if you were welsh
not funny, also reported
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inb4 a million replies because tosspot made the journal
youtube journal needs to be banned
» The user has been successfully reported.
chorus is pretty funny, didn't enjoy the rest
postin' in a tosspot journal
I don't know a single Welsh person who likes this song, granted the GLC 'comeback' is more funny but they're still shit

What is a welsh?
fu TosspoT, u can't live without the Welsh !
welsh can't live without the the english neither hence the UK xD
fu batty boy !
All I'm going to say is that you cunts are the ones that had to come over to our mines ;) (no more on this topic now though please :)
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It's not funny but damn great
and you say my music taste is bad xD
pretty old
Haha :D GLC comeback was much better though (as Panda said ;D)
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