Camtrace Problemo :(

Ok so just as im about to start making project for ****** I installed camtrace on new computer, and now when I open it. I cant see all of the program :( about 1/4 of the right hand side is cut out :"( which I believe is the place wher u import points etc etc. Please help?
who the fuck is ******
have a guess. gl!!
you should add a screenshot of your camtrace.
i would if i could. cant take screenshots in windows 7 or with my keyboard idk
dude please, just use print screen and save it in paint or use some other program.
there was already posted smth about this problem, I tihnk by LION but im not sure, just search cf for the problrm
Searching Camtrace Problem nothing came up :( any other ideas?
how linda m8 still drunk ?
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