Alien Hand Syndrome? wtf? sick

imagine getting a handjob without having to do anything

e: didn't see the vid 1st, after watching it: shiat
house did it
PB update does crazy shit.
I wish some of the most retarded crossies had that one
QuoteIn a particularly striking experiment, which he filmed, we can watch one of the split brain patients trying to solve a puzzle. The puzzle required rearranging blocks so they matched the pattern on a picture.

First the man tried solving it with his left hand (controlled by the right hemisphere), and that hand was pretty good at it.

Then Sperry asked the patient to use his right hand (controlled by the left hemisphere). And this hand clearly did not have a clue what to do. So the left hand tried to help, but the right hand did not want help, so they ended up fighting like two young children.
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