British movies ...

... are the ownage. :)

I just watched The Football Factory (luckily it has almost nothing to do with football :)). It's excellent. Also i would recommend The Business and Made in Britain.

The only thing that bothers me is that british accent. I barely understand what they're saying ey mate.

Those POMies sure made some n1 movies :)

Any other recommendations?
snatch , green street
Blackadder is the best British serie I have ever seen.
please.. u name an english movie which is totally shite!
Snatch and lock stock & two smoking barrels are like 10times better <33
kut lodewijk, ken is niet al die films joh!:(
its true! we do rock.. autographs later.
kidulthood \o/
And l4yer cake!!
Trainspotting, Layer Cake
Snatch + lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
LOL. Football Factory is wank
are you mugging me off infront of my mates?
love your movie <3
A clockwork orange
all monty python movies
Japanese make more interesting films imo, although they suck at comedy's.

layer cake
green streets.

if you liked football factory you will like green streets
if you like the business watch layer cake
"lock, stock and 2 smoking barrels" fo sho!
24 hour party people

i like
tnx for the suggestions :)

i watched green streets and i dont think its quite as good as football factory, but its stil enjoyable
OMG the english accent r0x.

gotta love being on vent with w3st and his mates.
i suggest "little britain" for lots of hilarious racist jokes.
little britain <3
Layer Cake is a MUST see
McVicar, the long good friday,a sense of freedom,Scum..
Shaun of the Dead =)
The snatch, its my favorite movie, i love the accents in it :))
Snatch is a good movie I liked it, funny accent idd
Green street Hooligans
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