Razer DeathAdder Hz problem

Yo! Today I bought Razer Deathadder 3500dpi
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ14qIFuSsQ23p-B9CVYvo_NT33xOjjzSaZPCpSMt8YX4_ypm1j&t=1
But got problem with Hz:
image: hztest
I installed
Razer DeathAdder 3500DPI Driver v3.01
Razer DeathAdder 3500DPI Firmware Updater v2.44

Razer panel:
Should I change something?
image: razerpanel

Is it possible to have stable 1000hz?
edit: When I changed to 125 or 500hz is not stable like 1kHz :|
edit: Qck+
edit: image: 500hztest
7569 Hz , is that even possible? :O
uninstall firmware and just play
use 500hz, prob solved

not like it makes a difference whether its 1ms or 2ms responsetime
what mousepad u using?
Hmm interesting.


Same problem with this or not? And my DA never got 1000hz stable so I used 500 regardless!
check edit
Are you on IRC?
yes /q ESL|l4z
Your hertz looks pretty unstable. Try patching it to 500 Hz and then run the Mouserate Checker again. Just make big circles instead of moving your mouse in a straight line, and the hertz should only vary 2-3 Hz.

QuoteIs it possible to have stable 1000khz?

Don't think so
have the same dude, cant get 1000hz stable with the da 3.5g so I just use 500hz (not perfect either - deviation is higher than it should be). With the da 3g I had 1000hz stable on the same pc however.. :_(
read this : http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=81074#comment1761597

e: Is it possible to have stable 1000khz? dont really think you can have 1MHz
my bad :D!
ye,but funny :D
try setting mouserate to single core in process affinity options at task manager
2 lata konto na cf i w et chce grac na 3500 dpi co za nub
10 miesiecy trolowania na CF a nawet nie rozumie journali ktorych czyta
gz noobie
jezeli napisales razer 3500 dpi a nie razer respawn to wiem ze kurwa grasz na tylu dpi i mi sie tu nie probuj wykrecic,a to z hz to banal
use 500hz, dont think its possible to get stable 1k (at least my 1800dpi da cant)
if you cant get stable 500 try older firmware heard the new one got some flaws
1k so unstable I'll use 500hz, thx mate
hz is more to do with your usb port and motherboard, and is a totally overrated thing to turn up anyway
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