
so sCope basically overdrank and is now in the hospital, because he got hit by a car while he was drunk.

May god heal and watch over him.
my mate once woke up at hospital after a party. He called me: 'what the fuck man im at hospital what did i do yesterday? did i smoke some shit or what?'. Turned out that he came back home totally drunk, decided to take out garbage and fell down stairs. He was so drunk he couldnt remember a thing.

Dont take trash out if you're drunk kids.

also he called me on new years eve and was really drunk, fcking alcoholic
cant handle the alcohol
are you fucking kidding me right ?
drinking and driving is fucking stupid to be honest
he wasn't driving the car from the outside:D
seems like i misread. my point still stands though!
And than, your mom , woke you up.
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