friday evening avi's

Hello bored people on xfire..
share your avi's or gifs or funny pics whatever!!

Revision 2 showing me and my mates how to jump the objective on Ice in a 3on3
hehe nice fragmovie perfo, can't wait to see your 2nd
ik snap hem niet helemaal
nou kijk...

perfo word neergeknald en er zijn 2 axis gastjes 1 van hun pakt objective en springt naar beneden en valt dood daarna springt de 2e ook naar beneden en valt ook dood... dus wij hadden geluk want we hadden full spawn :>

snap je het nu?

ja idd, beide 10 hp :D
- Ugly font
- Bad quality
- Overused music

1/10 soz
nou vooruit, 2/10 maar dat is omdat ik in een goede bui ben!

hij is weer heerlijk perfo

ga door

1st rockage
2nd uber trickjump
some hacker u r
they got tj Israelskillz
you suck =]
OMG:D I rly loled...
If I find demo where we played some 6v6 and I killed 2 guys with/without panzer I'll post it here:D

EDIT: loled again... I don't have got the demo anymore. I must have deleted it when I went in 5x speed through the demos in search for fragmovie kills:X
Anyway, I can describe what happened - I wass allies and I had panzer to spawnkill. I jumped from the bridge on grush to spawnkill axis coming from the spawn (well, they had already lost the game atm - the truck was past originall 1st truck barrier) I started panzer first time, one axis who was below me selfkilled, I stopped the panzer and another axis ran out of the spawn, I started teh panzer again and he selfkilled too and I stopped the panzer again:D. So I killed 2 axis without shooting. I loled that time.
image: rofl

and a 2th:
image: 20050604-790-Retarded-thumb
en ik moest met die 2 pro jumpers spelen :(, en wrm sta ik ni bij shoutouts :o
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