ET prob graphics

does that on radar gr karsiah ...

supply frostbite are fine idk wtf is that help plox
this is brand new
Delete the old Drivers, And install the new Drivers of ur video card
probably will make u laugh but how can i do that ? :S (im shit at pcs)
keep it like that its much easier to see enemy
you got ATI right? I had that problem some time last year. After two months with the problem a new ati driver come out i updated and it got fixed. Maybe update graphics cards
really? what's so hard that you can't just revert to the previous or older drivers that don't have this problem?
do that if you want? I was just saying How i fixed. I tried reverting once and It was oddly still black. Also goldrush has black floors and your guns are like fucked? knife needle the lot.
This is a quick ss i found of what my goldrush floor looked like with the graphics card bug.
image: 20100816094924goldrush
But yeah as i said updating drivers fixed problem
I did and it worked fine.
it kinda looks awesome
If you got an nVidia card you can find drivers for the right card on the following link

If you don't know what brand your graphic card is or what version you have. You can always just go to Start -> type in Run and start it. Once it's open type dxdiag and hit enter. All your graphic card info will be shown there including your current driver version I believe.
looks like a uber gamma bug

I have an old Nvidia 7800 GT with new driver and made such a cfg on purpose already but without this holes in map. First normal cfg then changed gamma @ 0:26:
does it ever fucking occur to people that the most likly reason for such random problems is always tied to the recently installed hard or software.. and even if they didn't install anything noone seems to use their brains to see, for example, that if it's graphics that are corrupted it's most fucking likly to be cause by the gfx card... so install older driver if you just updated them and are having the problem ( duh... ) or check temperatures of gpu and clean it if neccisary, or buy a new card...
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