gooooood morning

Good Morning Anonymous Crossies!


Moving on…
What are you guys up to today?
University... urgh. Tho my dutch class got cancelled and I still have 4 hours 'til I have to leave. NZNZ

What do you have for breakfast?

Plans for the weekend?
I don't really know yet, I should learn for my exams tho. Maybe seeing some friends,
maybe seeing my future pet :3

Anything special happened to you last week?
Last weekend I spent 3 days working at the Rotweinwanderweg in Freinsheim. All in all it was fun, I made quite some money and spent some time with family of mine.

I guess… that’s it. Now it’s your turn!
And as usual: sry for engrish! :)

Shoutouts to:
Netherlands Dezire, Mauritania andyy, Germany wsk, Baden-Württemberg Noorgrin, Anonymous Snug, Anonymous pZyko, Germany FaKy, Czech Republic muflon, Anonymous schnee, New Zealand iiky, Germany snip0, China Gungy, Israel Matan, Anonymous and ofc the rest of the Germany #faggotfamily and Anonymous you!

image: tumblr_l8f4upaAWV1qcjtevo1_500
Random Song have this song stuck in my head for days :D
image: im004113

hai good morning

What are you guys up to today?
nothing, ordering mcdonalds for lunch

What do you have for breakfast?
coffee & diarrhea

Plans for the weekend?
it's my last weekend as a civilian so....
nerd on cf as usual

Anything special happened to you last week?
no :>
yaaaaay morning journal!

what are you guys up to today
today 'party' at work so I'll just let the time pass this morning until teh food and drinks start :D tonight it's football time! DFB Pokal - hopefully easy bash for bayern vs. aachen nuubs.

what do you have for breakfast
nussecke + coffee that's not hot enough

plans for the weekend
hmmm on saturday a friend comes over and we watch the jungle-thing-finale and order pizza or something. I'll get drunk alone, cause my gf and that other friend certainly won't drink with me! :D my life is exciting, yay!

anything special that happened last week
I don't even remember what happened yesterday... let me think... hmmm nope, nothing happened. uhm well, I upgraded my living room with a new surround sound system that's cheap, still quite an advancement compared to the flat-tv sound though x)

random song

shoutouts to... Anonymous everybody! :D except China gungy, cause he never replies to my pms. arschloch! :D
get drunk and go on blogtv yes?!
rather not, I kinda left my blogtv career behind! :)
u scared :3
not scared :3
*ashamed :D
never! you know I'm up for any kind of niveau-limbo ;D
good morning =)
hellooooo :)
Matan told to me to comment so here it is

What are you guys up to today?
home, semi sick with a sore throat and a bit of a cough
What do you have for breakfast?
gonna go have oatz and sandwiches with some tea
Plans for the weekend?
depends if i get better or not.
Anything special happened to you last week?
i popped a cherry
Here at work, was supposed to drive to Lappland today, but it got delayed. Maybe on friday. Sipping me breakfast aka coffee.

No plans for weekend, prolly some sauna & beer on saturday. And oh, Jason Rouse on friday, some stand-up laughs incoming.
jesus, it was your birthday 2 days ago! how did I miss that???? HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY, FRAND! :D
I went ninja with it and hide it! Party was on saturday anyways.
ah, I now realise you hide it cause you didnt want to invite me? WHAT TS HAVE YOU BEEN AT? :D
I wanted to protect you. We had casualties, blood etc. Not sure if you could have handled it because of your age.
ah, how nice of you <3

I was cooking food and realized that you mocked me by that comment!

Me so angry now!
haha gungy told me and I was coming irc, but mirc doesnt like me anymore :\

good morning my dear <3

What are you guys up to today?
working haaaaaaaaaaard, in the evening some fitness, and one piece :x

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee & muesli

Plans for the weekend?
nothing special. stayin in 2nd appartment which is laying in a quite silent area, so fitness, movies, reading my book fruehling und so

i love the song :)

song cause its in my mind early morning:

have a nice day ;)
Anything special happened to you last week?
Last weekend I spent 3 days working at the Rotweinwanderweg in Freinsheim. All in all it was fun, I made quite some money and spent some time with family of mine.

DID DID u sing there?
i wish :( had to sell food :D
but but u could sing while selling food? :) i should visit u, looks awesome! :o
inbetween i did sing a bit :D when i was in the kitchen preparing dishes :D
Oh how it amuses me people actually think we care about their life.
Still enough care to comment :) Oh the irony!
So because I am making a general statement meant for more people than just the poster of this journal I automatically care about THIS guy his day/week/weekend? That would totally be the case, I can't continue my life without this valuable information.
Can't even get a decent discussion out of people nowadays, they resort to screenshots that 12 year olds would use :<.
I'm sorry that I consider a discussion with you as a waste of my time :)
And your poor attempt of offending me didn't work either :) Have a nice day tho and maybe start taking things less serious! Morning journals are suppose to be fun, that's all.
Theres nothing offensive about being realistic :). Have a nice day!
Don't bother replying to this guy... He is clearly mentally challenged ;D
you're right man. brb commenting to 289048305834058349850934850348954309 internetpages with content I dont care about.
What are you guys up to today?
Have 2 stupid exams today, one written health and safety and another online one based on everything we've done about car engines LoL

What do you have for breakfast?
Green tea, yoghurt, fruit.

Plans for the weekend?
Depending on the weather, probably head to the local trails and build a few more routes then riiiiiiiiiide

Anything special happened to you last week?
Not much .-.
What are you guys up to today?
School until 1 and then gaming

What do you have for breakfast?
Candy (those red rolls with white stuff in it)

Plans for the weekend?
Gaming probably

Anything special happened to you last week?
Had my new computer to game on it ^,^
why not skip school and play games?
I'm not really into illegal stuff
What are you guys up to today?
Fuck supermodels, drink bear and smoke weed

What do you have for breakfast?
nothing yet

Plans for the weekend?
Maybe a party ? Pracc hard !

Anything special happened to you last week?
had over 30% acc in rtcw
Hello izrap :3
what kind of pet will that be?
What are you guys up to today?
Off to college to play ET

What do you have for breakfast?
Bagel cream cheese, with Coffee :D

Plans for the weekend?
Catch up on my sleep, and workout.

Anything special happened to you last week?
I received 78 friends requests within 3 days >:] muaahahahh
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