uk lan

when is it?

debating on going to the tlr lan, but if theres one in the uk id much rather go to that as its alot closer and cheaper for me.

so someone who knows anything, let me know!
like there is even going to be one, can make real money bets about this
negative nancy
for you? who the fuck cares about you? rather see lan in sweden or so
meant to be happening but doubt.
Why don't you just pm GermanyR0SS about it?
why post, ross is the one organizing it, ask him
/unmute koop

now talk on vent ffs
im at work, plus the only reason i wanna go to lan is to slap ross in the head!
There will be MAX 2 LAN's this year anyways..
AEF (confirmed), TLR (confirmed), CC8 (same procedure as every year)

: PpP
apparently, it's at the end of april .. late announcement or what ? :S

right at the start of my exams :)
ouch, i think i have 3 exams at the end of may tbh :p
gl :) i didnt realy do much work at A level lol and just got average grades. Just needed enough to get into uni and i cut it close lol. all 3 of my exams are 3 hours aswell.

il be doing more revision on 1 of my 3rd year uni exams than i will have on all 3 of my A level exams. then times that by 4. Got shit loads of coursework in for the end of febuary. so next month and april/may will probably be the worst 3 months of my life :DDD.

1. Play ET to much in april
2. Fail exams
3. No profit

its at main news...
flav gotta come see you bruvaaaaaa x
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