mockup web design

Its just an invented company i made for fun last couple of days let me know what you think:
Drupal is fine, though gief more lorem ipsum texts :P
Looks very good :) didnt like this thing with the feather in the middle of the site, since i've seen that kind in so many portfolios :P Looks like any other design site / portfolio in my opinion, try find a way to make it look different!
looks better than average, so good job.

the only thing that bugs me is the dropdown-menu. it's a tad too simple compared to the rest of the site
looks fine, the feather part doesnt make sense though
pretty nice! i agree with senn regarding the dropdown menu. maybe you can mess around with some fonts ;)
very nice :)
Looks nice! Well done.
looks like the trend in webdesign atm.. nothing really special imo :P
looks a bit flat, give it more a 3d feel, obvious shadows, gradients etc.
Looks very nice. Some texture on the dropdown menu would be nice :)
Try to make the middle section a bit more compact and reduce the height of the bottom banner. This website design brings nothing new to the webdesings, but I like its clean design and the subtle use of textures and desaturated colors.

Looks nice to me, but as people said guess not the most original layout + design ever.
your background seems to be dirty
yo jnz imma let you finish..but f00 had one of the best websites of all time !!!
paneleiro, quando vens ca a portugal?
:P dunno!
link or never happened
hm let me think, it kind of looked like this website didnt it ? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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