Nem Vem Que Não Tem (.pt)

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nice profile pic

image: 22526_upside_down_flag_with_swastikas
cant read this language, delete the journal please!
Here's a listing of the ten most popular languages spoken worldwide, along with the approximate number of primary or first language speakers for that language.

1. Mandarin Chinese - 882 million
2. Spanish - 325 million
3. English - 312-380 million
4. Arabic - 206-422 million
5. Hindi - 181 million
image: new_message6. Portuguese - 178 million
7. Bengali - 173 million
8. Russian - 146 million
9. Japanese - 128 million
10. German - 96 million
here's the listing for portugese speaking people on crossfire

1052. Portugese - 1
isnt rly true. they dont speak portugese in brazil, so this is wrong.
Brasuca do caralho : DD
n te conheço mas ja te amo. kel kiss pa bo
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