adlernest question

as i am converting adlernest for rtcw (i got permission of dersaidin) i have a question about something.

i'm almost done converting, just need some new scripting on door controls & tank turret & flag & transmitter

i also made it with the texture like outdoor of frostbite (rtcw version), so it will be a ice version, since i had troubles with blending alpha textures

but my question:
image: 1585od1

as you can see this teamdoor, this doesn't work on rtcw, so everybody can get through (unlike on et; only axis & allies convert ops in axis suit)

so my question: how would i edit this ?
1) leave it like it is ? but wouldn't that be too easy for allies to go through it and take cp (which is flag in rtcw)
2) make it like it opens only when you push a button from axis spawn
3) remove the door and replace it with a wall so you can't pass (but that would mean if allies take docs before door controls blow axis can't go to transmitter in time so gg)
4) make it some ducts thing where you would need to crouch to get through
5) anything else??

why are you putting adlernest into rtcw?
some people tend to believe that everybody will start playing again RTCW. that show is already going on a few years
care, if you would like et and it would be dead, why wouldn't you try not to get some activity on it

just saying :)
et is not dead, nice try anyway
do you know what "would" mean
it is, nice try
You might wonna try SplashDamage forum m8, they will give you an answer straight up ;).
make it so axis could access transmitter from high ground closer to their spawn? w/o the door then and lock the door in the pic or smth
so you mean like creating another opening leading to transmitter? i was also thinking about that but then allies transmitting docs would be become harder since this route would be easier to go through for axis
when door controls are blowm, ramp doors open, and axis route to transmitter close.
interesting, i'll keep that in mind ;)
I like to put textures of doors on walls for jokes.
crazy mofo :p
haha made me lol, just imagine that on ettv XD
can you trigger it by someone taking the obj? that you can only open the door if it has been taken? i'd probably do it that way.

1) would be too easy for allies indeed
2) if someone takes the obj after sneaking though the switch won't serve any purpose imo, since someone would have to run all the way back ;)
3) your point exactly
4) crouching doesn't really take that long, now does it? and takes axis too long to get through imo

edit: and if i were you i'd make the flag permanent, otherwise you'll probably have just the same situation as on ice, someone reclaiming it every spawn over and over again(which i do not like, neither fancying someone guarding it) :P
thx for your interesting comment

i'd would be the best way to script it like that, i should check it out of its possible
you should probably do the same for the case that the flag has been taken, or allies would probably in an unlucky coincedence take flag first, spawn there and guard transmitter while someone gets the obj, while axis have to move to the obj first (imo takes you longer to get to the obj from lower defence than it does from cp/flag)
ok so make sure this door goes open when,

A. allies take docs


B. allies take flag
flag would be the best idea imo, because what happens if they /kill ? -is the door open or closed then because no-one has the objective physically ..
wasn't meant to be "take either event 1 or event 2 but not both to trigger the door". meant that he should use both, since the one thing will obviously lead to the other one, either you take the flag (after running past the obj) and noone can actually hinder you, because they run after you, or you take the obj and run to the flag, since they still can not be there, because the door opens up when you take the flag, and everyone spawns there. :)
it is possible
just remove the door, since most of the time when the allies get through and get the docs before the big door blows its gg anyway
cant u make it a portal and only allow axis through ? ..obviously the portal wouldnt be glowing - just the same texture :)
what do you mean exactly ?
well, seeing as u can't make Team doors ..the other option could be to make a portal through to the other side of the wall ..literally from point A to B

If I remember correctly, you can make Team-Portals to only axis/allies can go through them

So in simple terms, create a portal in which the axis can only pass through it with the door texture ?
another alternative:

What about a barrier on the door place destroyable by nades, shooting, satchel? (like in front of the doc room in the left window)

Could be made even so that a engy can builed it up again. So maybe another tacticle point.

So if allies wanna go through this door while the door controll isnt blown (normaly with a Covert) axis engy can builed it up again and again.

If allies have the docs and door controll isnt blown an allies engy can try to block axis there with building up the barrier again.
yeah man would be great but you see, you can't build anything in rtcw as an engi
damn, i forgot ... to much ET addicted already :D
hehe, thx for idea thought ;)
nice idea :D

even though some might abuse it to camp behind the portal and only go through to shoot(since it doesn't need to open (or make a sound or anything..ok that can be helped) :P)

or maybe if someone walked through it, that allies can pass it for a certain amount of time?
put a corridor from axis spawn
move the door near the barrel
maybe put the door up near the ladder and let it come out by the transmitter??
have you thought about making a new map instead?
i'll start on homiejump4 this summer
make a labirinth of doors and walls that change every maprestart
After the controls are blown and the main doors open isn't it possible that the axis door opens or gets blown aswell, no point of having that door after the main doors are blown anyway...
don't think so, as a brush (block of space in a map, like a box or so) can only have 1 function (and the function of the door is to be a door, not an object that can't be destroyed)
and i thought it was like the best idea ever :(
3) remove the door and replace it with a wall or open it when allied get the doc

This is what u have to do and put a flag instead of cp this will be same as frost
6) Add a button so everyone has to click to open the door. The button should be placed some meters away to the right side of the door.
And make the door close really quick.
lol, actually mate, when he would push button, the door would remain open ;)
Ha, just installed GTK. Looking at some of my old maps atm :D
wow i didnt knew you were a mapper :o nice job mate, looks nice
Ha yeah, few little maps...
Ha, sorry for spamming your inbox... video here also...
what's the song name, incase you don't remember, atleast tell me you remember the artist -_-
no idea, but it's from this album

Global Gathering 08
I know name now...

It's from Global Gathering 08 -

Nicky Blackmarket
08 Track 8 - Disc 5.mp3

add a wait and close door after ?
idd havent thought of that :o!
what about other 2 team doors near docs?
think i'll let them stay, do you think there would be too much spawnkilling cause of it?

maybe remove 1, the closest at spawn??
Not spawnkilling, but it would be impossible to defend the docs and axis would get raped from all sides. Doors near the docs are not important. Third doors at the back are same as the 1st one, axis just wouldnt have any camp spots left. And if you remove those 2 doors, only way to the docs for axis is to go to the window, and since its their only way it would be easy for allies to kill them. Maybe you should reconsider converting adlernest since the whole map revolves around those damn doors.
could maybe solved with some stairs from one side where the axis can jump down from the upper stair but allies not up from the other side. ofc then no doors but holes in wall or smth.

but prolly the bottom arround this stairs must be lowered except the one nearby the door controll.
i'll set spawntime 30 secs for allies, should fix that imo

btw i can always move docs a bit more further away from allies flag
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