Patent Trolls


I'm currently revising for a law exam I have to take as part of my Computer Science course at Uni.

I was reading about patents and this made me chuckle:

Patent Troll
Underhand enforcement of patents against unsuspecting patent infringer

Anyway I'm bored stiff and can't wait to finish this last exam and get to the weekend.

IBM Patent Troll Patent
"It's all or nothing over at IBM as the company goes for the gold and files the patent troll patent. Forget the Hyperlink patent or the POS shutdown patent, IBM wants the patent patent. Its idea is centered around an approach to managing patents from inventor training to filing and protection strategies, including competitive monitoring. At least in theory, IBM could get approval to own the idea of how to manage patents and make a business out of IP. The next time you file a patent, you may want to contact them as you may need a license to file for filing."


wikipedia :
IBM wants the patent patent.
image: VdvMl
Dont see how studying law is anything fun.
trust me its not
so why are you doing it then? There are lots of other possibilities
because he's a materialist, he's fine with doing things he doesn't like, as long as he has enough money
because money is the most important thing in the world
that isn't materialist :D

I do a job I dislike, I dont get paid mass amounts - some people actually need to work. Studying law will just give you a better salary potential which will mean you can step up a bit quicker ie buying house / car / support family etc what 95% of people aim to do when they get a job ;)
it is in my mind. if you do something you don't want to just so you have money, i think of it as being a materialist.

i mean, sure, that isn't the definition of a materialist, i just think of people like these as materialists.
most people dislike their job and would resign if they came into good money - it isn't about material it is about finance, two very different things.

do you have a job? and if you truly like your job Im happy for you, but you are one of the few sadly.
i'm not even close to having a job yet, i intend to study until it's possible, because i really hate working, i hope i'll get a job as a librarian, or a book translator, or some shit like that
no wonder if you call someone who has to work to provide his family a materialist if you live on your parents bill and they pay for everything
are you fucking kidding me? don't talk shit about things you have no clue of.
its only materialist once you go past the point of having enough money to live on
im studying economics at uni merl :D k just wanted to say that!

btw adlernest for rtcw coming out sunday!

ive changed some stuff : >
law = $$$$$$$$$$ and even more $$$$$$$$$
its rly interesting, the amount of reading is just to boring tho
oh plzzz don't tell me you study law, time to end my studies if so...
did half a year, and why would you quit if i was doing it.
cuz you're a dick sometimes
cuz i flame oxid? generally im nice, i like to flame every now and then. certainly idiots like banga and tropic etc.
apology accepted :P
did law in my first year. People asleep in the lectures it was that good. Its literaly like watching paint dry.

Almost every subect u can study, you have some kind of pre knowledge or experience, you can make educational guesses etc. With law there is no guessing your forced to read absolutely everything to obtain all knowledge of it.
yo dawg, i heard you like patents..
so I put a patent in a patent
only maus whould get a smiley when posting this pic. its older than the inet, everyone has seen it.
he didnt reply to maus :p
awesome person needs awesome smiley, ofc
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