Long time no speak bretherins ..

Does this game still exist? (ET)

Still full of cheats?

Played competitively?

..and hello to any1 that remembas me, hope your all well.

Jheez, its been a while..x
omg ahmed, a couple of weeks after you were gone some people said you died
in a car crash :OOOO
haha, what? Couple weeks after i was gone, that musta been years ago bro?
yes! 2007 i guess?
I remember you, you played oc
haha i love those guys who played 1 or 2 matches OC, totally lost them but hey

we r skilled cause we played OC!!!!
yes to all
i see - people still letting it rule their lives then yeah.. any decent players still about?
High+ hacker hacked account

"hey guys i'm back:D"
not so much cheaters anymore , since SLAC . http://sl-anticheat.com/
are you an idiot or smth?
SLAC doesnt stop anything..
Are you an idiot or smth?

Well, because of the silent detections there's the fear of getting banned which stops most people on their tracks, and the few polaks who actually cheat on it get banned a couple of weeks later. After that they obviously create a dozen multiaccounts, most of which get banned ~instantly nowadays I think.
ur right, polish 14 year old children make it :<
why should anyone be afraid of SLAC when it doesnt bust real cheats?
Now we're going ridicilous. Unless you have some actual proof to back up your claim.. Oh well.

Most hacks with a built-in loader (i.e. cheats you don't inject into ET.exe with Winject or some similiar program) don't even work with SLAC in the first place, and things like Hidden Wallhack and the "SLACProof wallhack" are very much detected.
Yes they are. How do you think those 200+ accounts got banned?
because they are stupid and downloaded detected bots from google..
Oh look, another netCoders brainwashed fanboy here.
Why are you talking about netcoders? nothing else to say now?
It is no weaker than your "arguments". You have presented absolutely no proof in this conversation, so whining about other people falling to the same level you're on is quite thick.

I.e. you're just one of the idiots who flame SLAC just for the heck of it without actually knowing shit.
so you want so say that ET has only 200 cheaters? And they are all busted ":D".

Why are you saying that I dont know shit? Seems like I know more than you do...
Obviously there have been more cheaters than the SLAC banned ones, but not many - and I doubt the tards currently cheating with SLAC will stay unbusted for very long.

Have you already forgotten the amount of cheaters there were before SLAC? You practically couldn't get an IRC match without having at least one opponent cheating. And as for publics... Well, like half the players on publics cheated - and this is still the situation on crap servers like Cybergames.

Nowadays the only obvious people around are the dorks who play without SLAC - and there are little of them now, almost everyone uses it, even in pracs.
I know only 2 public servers that are using SLAC right now :)
And yes, I remember those old times :D

As I see you taking this conversation way too serious, then I think its better to end that from this point :D
Wow, Welcome back Ahmed! You dissapeared without a trace =)
Haha, Ahmed. You were such an idiot back then, but so was I.

the game is pretty much breathing
wallhacking is not possible so far because of slac new screenshot system

just go gamestv.org and find the ultimate et installer 1.6 or something
-> download slac
-> and go play pub crossfire or pub bio
-> then go irc quakenet 5on5.et and get people to do do some praccs and have some fun

=perfect saturday
Yay bro, I missed you soo much!
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