omg mystic and perfo omg

Hi crossfire.
During a night cod4 2on2 with my mate FranceJiind3, some nerds got rolled.
No need more than 3 round for them to cry at hackers.
Well, after more whine, they ask us if we could play CB offi. What a disappointment they had when we said we didn't play CoD4 but ET.
And now, the best is comming.
"-ET? Enemy territory?"
"- yes"
"- how long are you playing?"
"- 6 years"
"- what is your clan?"
"- nonpro / wck"
"- You fucking noname randomers"
"- and who are you"
"- Perfo and mystic"

image: coolface

Didn't know perfo and mystic were from Portugal and were playing CoD4 inthe superuberultraawesome clan "redeyes" or something like that.

image: tumblr_lev5gpgANO1qc5uc0o1_500
wonder why one of them is 'perfo' if the other is 'mystic'
omg so funny omg
Speaking about Chineses. Was I the only one who thought La Ni's a hot chick? Or was that just because Clijsters is such a fuckin troll...
Li Na u mean? ;$
lol, no wonder i couldn't find her at google
image: Li_na_2007_sydney_medibank_international


That's 3 years ago o_O

check her pics at the ao website!
ja dan is da omda clijsters zonne trol is da die chinese goe lijkt é

eerlijke vergissing die iedereen kan overkome denk ik zo effe in mezelf
The head totally matches with the body.
and the eyes match the head
Looks like Gollum/olbaa, but with muscles.
go smoke a joint and take your shit away
how to become so cool as you are?
Chinese are ugly.
Chinese come from China.
nerd you nerd!
care BelgiumClijsters won the AustraliaAustralian Open
clijsters, not clijters...
ss or it didn't happen
so you rolled some shit fakers in shit game and doing journal about it? u so cool
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