Axis of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song (.de)

I lol'ed hard xD Clever guys!
"fuck off, chicken ... little!" xD
old but awesome
yeah its from 2009 but i didnt knew it till now :)
Don't understand whats funny
oh hai there urtier!
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZwH2GsNfOG961aumLNrY8L0qPQySrLvJUszW6nAz5SwY3nnIN&t=1
yeah and butchji on keyboard

image: omg-lan-omg-o

I see already the next german team poping up "Axis Of Awesome" xD
Who would've thought the same chord progressions get reused in music? -_-
as sethos said it's old, but great :) They kick ass! :D
well there are about 60 chrods all together, so yeah that sucks when most songs are only based on about 4 lol :p what a waste :-<
yes, it seems so that the most ppl cant handle more chords or this are the frequences wich make us the most feelin good. (explored by scientist?) :D
so old :$
ROFL, says a 18 years old about smth what is 2 years old ... must be like centurys for you! xD
No big news. That chord progression is D-A- minor B-G and rather popular in a 4 quarter line.

Wished musicians used some 6/8 or 3/4 quarter lines to spice up the timing at least.
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