ET sounds delayed

Recently installed XP 64 bit and now my ET sounds are delayed, I know with the default config everything is fine but even without changing any of the s_ commands I still have this problem. Just what could be causing this? :(
check other games, music, youtube etc but still i would say its drivers. win xp x64 is kinda shit, couldnt find half of drivers
Everything else works fine, and as I said with the default config everythings fine so, I'm guessing it's related to a command or something... -_-
so s_mixprestep prolly
"without changing any of the s_ commands I still have this problem."
he edited :p
64 bit problem u can fix it by setting prority HIGH to ET and its ok :)
that makes my et freeze... i mean my whole system... its like ok lets get u high but then POLICE! FREEZE!
get better pc?:D

fixed problem for me if i made et HIGH priority
get me a team, sponsor me a pc = profit :>
get urself money and buy it noone will sponsor low skilled noob
im actually very skilled mate
maus is killing u faster than sound can reach you
might be due to s_mixahead and s_mixprestep, try them on default values and see if that fixes it
Nah definitely not s_maxahead or s_mixprestep I'm starting to think it's a driver conflict issue, maybe I'm going crazy but windows sounds also seem delayed...
Well that definitely causes delayed sounds in ET, at least it did for me. Are you using onboard or a card, and which?
on board Asus P7P55D-E

I'm getting more and more confident in that it is a driver issue, argh. If only win 7 wasn't so shit this would have an easy fix -_-
Well if you haven't tried older drivers yet try the other 2 here
going to give it a shot and if that fails, hello 32 bit XP once again meh.

running the older drivers and so far so good, not tested it on a server with 48 ping though so we'll have to see...
should be a driver issue so gl
Win 7 isn't shit though :(
No freedom to use whatever refresh rate I want makes for an awfully flawed operating system.
What, as in selecting something silly like 58 or 73? :D
I'm switching between 75 and 60 at the mo, but of course changing the resolution as 1920x1080 = 60 here

You can't use anything other than the preset monitor values. I.e. my monitor can do up to 200Hz on some resolutions, but according to win 7 I may not use more than 85 on any resolution, and the only solutions to this are stupidly invasive (flashing monitor software/removing pins from plugs).
Oh, figured as much.
Seems it's such a common thing then :( I've never really worried about the refresh rate, or at least haven't noticed a huge difference personally so can't really comment :D
Have you tried Follow these instructions at your own risk.
Follow them _exactly_ and you should expose refresh rates above the standard ones.

[1.] Download below software and install both.
softMCCS from here

[2.] Create a working folder for your new driver, eg. "Monitor" on your desktop.

[3.] Run softMCCS
Make sure your monitor is selected in the box at the top left of softMCCS window.
Go File Menu, Save EDID as, Select Raylar EDID from save as type drop down list. Locate the working folder which you created before. Click save.
Close softMCCS.

[4.] Run Moninfo.
In the Monitor Asset Manager window, go File menu, Open.
Select the file you saved before in the "Monitor" folder, open.
*Notice In Display ID's [File] is selected*
Go File menu, create INF. Click Save. (to "Monitor" folder)

[5.] Open the created INF.
You can change the following values to match your monitors maximum resolution;


Save File.

Well done you should have successfully created your new monitor driver.

[6.] Establish if your monitor is plug and playing or not.
Note* As far as I can work out, it has to be non plug and play for this solution to work.
Right click desktop, Screen Resolution, Advanced settings, Monitor tab.
Note* If the monitor type is not "Non Plug and Play monitor" or similar and you update the driver it probably wont work. *
Note* If you get stuck here, please section [7.] below. *
Click Properties, Driver tab, Update Driver, Browse my computer for driver software.
Let me pick from a list.......
De-select Show compatible hardware tick box.
Click Have Disk...
Click Browse, Open monitor.inf which you created before.
Proceed with driver install.
Restart Windows and hopefully you can enjoy your extra smooth display modes!

[7.] Further help if needed.
Above url tell you how to mod VGA cable so your monitor doesn't Plug and Play.
You can also ammend the INF for your ICM.
That solution would lead to me removing a pin from my monitor cable, my monitor is plug and play. The only other solution is flashing the EDID (small bit of memory located on a monitor) if that goes wrong I can ruin my CRT... yeah I think I'll pass but thanks for the suggestion.
Question about the refresh then: If I'm using 1920x1080 @ 60hz windowed and I use r_mode 6 fullscreen in game, would ET be taking the 60hz refresh, or whatever the 1024x768 is? :-/
i just removed this pin from my old crt to be able to play at windows 7, not a big deal :)

(i use a lcd 120hz now)
I ruined one cable attempting to remove the pin, to attempt it again would be desperate.
:o it was rly easy.. just start moving the ping with a litle and it is gone in a second :>
It's not hard to remove the pin, but my monitor would not switch on afterwards.
:o thats weird, did you try to force a .inf in order to get your screen working properly?
Pretty hard to do when you can't see anything on the screen. I had a monitor driver file previously loaded though yes.
that was my point, load previously.. don't you have another display to allow you this? Also i can't understand, it was very easy for me... i remember after i remove the pin everything was weird, like 640 resolution etc etc, then i forced the driver, rebooted and it worked fine
60hz is destroying eyesight :s any lower value than 74 sux
Since Linux has often this problem also and caused by a driver issue i would guess your Windows has a driver issue too.
yesterday i played cod4 and had like 1-2 seconds sound delay.... tho that was because i had around 150 ping on some shitserver 8)
XP 64 bit sounds great.
dont forget to fast forward your sounds
prolly the shit format is causing it :Z
Exec etconfig as you said it works

Enter your own cfg commands little by little to see what causes it
i been playin like that for 3years \o/

E:hits are delayed as well, i hit people when they run behind the wall :D
Start > run > dxdiag

choose there a sound bookmark and The Hardware Sound Acceleration set to Full Acceleration or smth like that, i don't remember but it's the max possibility
drivers or winXP sound settings.

dunno exactly on XP, but on w7 it used to be running x86 applications with right sound and video settings.

gl tho
seta s_mixahead "0.14" // Controls the delay used to mix and combine sounds.
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