Al'akir 25 hc world first kill video (for wow fags)

Finland Paragon's vid of probably the hardest fight of this tier in wow just went out, I wouldn't post this if it wasn't epic as fuck (especially last phase + huntard disengage at 0:57 = jizz in my pants), even if you have no clue about wow.

watch in 1080p


edit: ok first 3 mins not much happens, its more about positioning, but epic stuff happens after that

image: alakir
let them kil Anub'arak in Egypt
Epic it was ;) very nice movie :)
still faggots i cant understand, WHAT DO U SEE IN THIS GAME :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
still faggot i dont see what u see on cheating /!\ :DDDddDddDDdddXDDDDDddDD
pfff, great argument, really
now go play WoW and do circles at Stormwind or whatever is called that 'town' in this game :XD
too bad im horde, allys wouldnt like if i went there running circles, so fix ur facts!
World of Borecraft
i have no clue about wow and its not epic
can't believe i watched 2 minutes
Finland owns in WOW?!?!
That girl(don't remember name something like xenophics) looks like boy:DD
I play WoW

I don't think it's epic

(Nerdscreams = best part)
you've probably never done it (normal even, forget heroic), positioning for the lightnings in combination to avoiding getting blown off the platform as well as the tornados at p1 , stacking debuff/dividing dps at p2 and all moving correctly at p3 to spread/despawn clouds is really, really really hard to do, nevermind the dps/healing requirements :). So to do that in heroic, with lightnings oneshotting everything in p1 if you have 1 person too much stacking, id say its epic :)

edit: how did that holy priest not get oom with 16k+ hps in a 10 min fight is epicness by itself
I misunderstood your point of epic, I thought you meant how epic the encounter is (effects, music, sound) and not how hard the encounter is.

Obviously it's an hard fight, considering only Paragon has done it pre-nerf, Method getting world 2nd after an edit to the lightnings.
big ass boss equals epicness right? ;p
sounds nice but no
fuck off with this nerd shit
my guild just done throne of 4 winds :P
i see an idiot who attacks a creep.
nothing special nothing funny nothing interesting to watch

lost 2 min of my life
pretty sick
I dont have a clue about this game and now I think its even worse than I thought before
haha that disengage was pretty sick indeed, sick bossfight though
epic fight, but raids are boring after 30 mins and it's frustrating if you play with ppl without brains (;)
I don't play wow so I don't get it, didn't look like a hard battle :S
guild wars is better :d
the disengage is epic, yet not hard at all.. i suggest you look up some hunter pvp movies from wintergrasp, now thats awesome disengaging over and over again

and actually, downing that boss already is just sad..

iam in a social guild, at 5th boss in bwd, waay more fun instead of 4 months of farming while waiting for other raidinstance.
you gotta understand these nerds get sponsored to play 24/7 to do worldfirsts, im kinda surprised they didnt kill him earlier :p

personally im in a shit realm(emerald dream, 200+ ranked eu) without money to transfer my char, we are with my guilld 11/12 on 25normal, alakir was done on 10 and nefarian still needs to die. We try to do exactly what you said, we take it easy else ppl will just lose interest if we raid like 5 times a week and kill everything in a month. We currently raid 2-3 days a week farming bot, conclave +5 first bosses in bwd, and sometimes give nef a few tries if we have time :p
i just love to spend a whole week downing one boss, altho it sounds weird:p

we raid 4 times a week, but i got work and other stuff, so i can raid like 2 eves a week. just love being social raider :p

playing on frostmane btw :P

Havent played wow for few months, no interest for some reason :S
LK25 HC with the 0-10% buff was way harder than this though :(

EDIT: Paragon are so far ahead of everyone though, and have been since HC ICC was opened :p I'd still say killing LKHC with the 0% buff was more impressive, as we still had troubling killing him with the 15%+ buffs :p

Cool fight though and a decent video as usual :p
omg hellhammer you nerd =p
QuoteI wouldn't post this if it wasn't epic as fuck, even if you have no clue about wow.

You couldn't be any further from the truth.
tap.Diamondtear ownin
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