Dead Space 2

Finally a game that actually shocks you.
Love it.
Had to take a break from sitting in the dark and drinking while being afraid to play on.
Id strongly recommend playing on the hardest difficulty avi (hardcore only for playthorugh 2).
ISAAC be crazy

official "Previously on dead space" intro you can click on before starting a new game.

sounds good. pc version?
i dont play consoles, so ye ofc PC version (eventho the XBOX rip has been out for over a week).
Yeah I'll buy this too eventually, I really liked Dead Space 1.

Though there are loads of games that actually shock me
last game i didnt want to go around the next corner was minecraft like half a year ago only for the sucky consequences of dying. any other recent game just fails at shocking imo.
fear was a way bigger shocker than dead space imo. atleast deadspace didnt shock me at all. fear 2 altho.. :D was kinda heavy sometimes. the demo was low on shocking scenes, so i thought what the hell.. might give it a try, since i couldnt play the first one, having soundproblems. will play this one for sure.
fear 1 was way scarrier than fear 2.
is the aiming still as crappy as in part 1? in dead space i mean.
never had problems once i adjusted. so yes i guess ;)
added a non-spoiler
i thought of dl fear2 few days ago... but when its not as shocking as the 1st im not gonna waste bandwidth with it. tho fear1 had some really weird scenes for my taste.
FEAR is scary? You obviously haven't even touched Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
I haven't found FEAR scary at all, if I'm honest. But it might also be that the gameplay wasn't my type and hence for me the whole atmosphere was destroyed by my nerdrage :X
dunno, the little girl in the red dress just game me the chills. and yes, amnesia is pretty creepy, too. shame so few people know about this game.
It definitely had something scary about it, but Amnesia so far was the only game that forced me to shut it down. I admit that in Dead Space I never really panicked either, but indeed, it is a game with a nice atmosphere :) These things are so underrated nowadays.
amnesia forced me to shut it down, but that was because of the gfx effects. the blurr and shaking made me sick. once turned off, it was pretty good to play, but i was stuck at one point, and had no motivation to go on then, after searching for about half an hour. those red spiderwebs wouldnt let me continue :D
shmoe, the game isn't even halfway scary compared to what comes after it. You need to go to the chemical labs and mix an acid to take those spiderwebs down... then comes the known "water part"... so hardcore
ok, might continue after i finished dragon age, dragon ages add on and dead space 2 ^^
sounds good, however best torrent i can find has like 1:10 ratio :(
xdcc > torrent.
dead space was the best horror game ever

now playing dead space 2 ;d
best horror SP game ever
Gore =/= Horror
homo = homo
expecting to play this soon with my good friend CataloniaeXceed :)
trailer looks awesome
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