goodbye Matan

IsraelMatan joined the IDF today, best of luck <3

we will see him active again in 3 years, cause he is young. :-D UNTILL WHEN JANUARY 11? :ppPPpppp

image: image025
Good for him, better for us.
Less and less jews in xfire
get him back :S

noone needs that shit IDF making fun out of war imo
IDF = Israel army?
You need to go there for 3 years? o.O
yap, and on Thu (2.2) i'm going to be promoted to Sergeant ^.^ (50% of my service done, 1.6 years left!)
you manage to play, even though your in army ?

where the hell is night
I'm home like 5 days a month.. can't be active + its mostly just on weekends
Boah, that's pretty long. Is it an obigatory to go there?
In Switzerland every man has to, but fortunatelly just for 300 days totally.
yap, boys for 3 years, girls for 2.

how retarded can a country be..
we're a small country, surrounded by enemies.... long service is a good thing here even tho it suck.. + the girls mostly sitting behind a computer screen and watching the borders.. camera operators, you know.. or secretaries.. ^.^
I'd rather say it's a country that takes parts of other countrys and makes itself more and more enemys.
couldnt agree more, pure ignorant behaviour and still wondering why everyone around them hates them.
and just btw:

Almost the whole territory that officially now belongs to Israel actually is originaly palestinian.

But I can only blame Israelis that support their goverment and the allies that took them taking a part of that area, tho it wasn't arranged that Israel would have been allowed to take over as much area as they want :P
Girls do not have to go in the army here, but it's certainly a bit funnier wit them. Israel seems to love the army, good luck in it.
Lol! and I thought our 11 months is long service :p (4 months to go ^^)
couldnt care less
Right right... Giyus kal
Send us a photo of yourself riding a harahefet, Matanm8
Don't get crushed by the mornings
Good luck for him!

IF your army duty's lenght is 3years what kind of groups and team/platoon(whatssover)system you have? Since if I remember right that everyone who spend that 3 years are promoted as lieutenant when they finish it?

smth like one guy who has been there 3years is team leader, 4 guys who have been 2years are group leaders and 6 to 8 guys who have been one year are as lowest rank? Not going to reveal your secrets to whole world bust just for curioisty
First Night, now he, who is the next?

ET destroyed by armee :)
lol comparing Night to matan
I didnt compared but meant more the humans behind the online characters who are making this comunity "big".
How could you do that without knowing them personally?
i havent to know them personaly but i dont make a different and care less for big or unknown names.
nice, now I can go on irc again without him to query me
eat grass
oh good bye, ciao ciao, adios, auf wiedersehen my dear kartoffelpoffel <3
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