desktop halp

Give me a good program to change my desktop's look.
I had one a few years ago, but can't remember the name anymore :<

thx ! <3

image: ebay+kitteh+not+as+described
I can give you a pic of a girl with nice tits

denkt ge dat ge grappig zijt ?
:p kga da ni doen ze gast ;)
tis u geraden want ik hak u kloten eraf
Use TuneUp!
Ha, with it's shitty themes. It's about time they updated that application. I remember using in 2005 and there hasn't been any updates at all. I have 2011 now, and glad I pirate it tbh. The themes are weak, but only good for fixing registry problems.
I can give you a pic of a girl with nice tits

Isn't it called Rainmeter?
rainmeter, rocketdock
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