IRL Hacks

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it puts your PC on fire
Tetris :PPppP
sorry to inform you that uTorrent is not "irl"
To some people anything away from ET is real life!
This is IRL hacks:

image: life-hacks

I've got the whole pdf somewhere if you want it uploaded
x Don't loan money to friends.

I actually read it trough :d
QuoteIf you get in trouble with an authority figure, be as nice as possible, sometimes they let you off if
you display that you have regretted your mistake or are willing to accept consequences.

Good life tip - talked myself outta a few traffic things without having to show any boob.

Quote++ Shave in the shower -- shaving is best accomplished when your skin is moist and soft, and the hot
water and steam of a hot shower is the best time for this. Get yourself a small hangable fog-free mirror
(see below) and keep it in there, along with your razor.

Ya - also brush your teeth in the shower, get to enjoy the shower longer & no annoying toothpaste on the sink that needs cleaning!

Quote++ Back up any important data on disk. Your C drive is not indestructable.

Best way to back up things is to email them to youself. Instantly accessible anywhere & not perishable!
Yeah, same with regards to police here. Unknowingly doing 70 in a 50/60 zone once and words were exchanged and they let me off too which was great <o/
interesting read, ty
Do the toilet thing \o/

Defo gonna measure the finger!
What, the prevent splashing one? :Ppp
handy @ college here. saves any embarrassment!
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