Virtual dub help

When saving an avi from vdub it turns out as below

image: 46113038

I'm recording at 40 FPS and and using huffyuv 2.2 codec.

Anyone have an idea of what the problem is?

try it with lagarith codec
and how is it now? is it waotking or it was just boecouse of your player?
Hmm, your solution fixed my first problem. However, after saving the avi from vdub then rendering it in vegas, the video / demo speed is about 5 times faster than I want it to be. Im 95% sure than all the settings are the same in both vegas and virtual dub. Im using huffyuv code 2.1.1 now. The file is also nearly 3 gig. Any idea what Im doing wrong?
It looks that U messed up sth with fps. Maybe U were capturing demo witx X fps, then put it together in vdub as Y fps (check ctrl+r>change frame rate to fps...) and messed it also in vegas :P
Its weird if I did, I was very careful, but there was so much information to take in, maybe I did some how mess it up. Ill repsond if I fix it! Cheers
OK, gl and tell me what was fucked up coz im kinda curious :P
use lagarith lossless codec
use the same framerate as in cl_avidemo (or img_Capturefps)

use VLC media player ;)

btw, the renders from vdub shouldnt be watchable normally.
Worked, cheers, but after i rendered it the video came out slow :(
That's weird, because I have no problem at all watching "raw" footage from VirtualDub (unless it's 50+ FPS which will give a slight slowmotion effect).
I neither have problems watching the raw footage, but my player has.

image: smiley4520
check his player, i bet it's normal.. who tha fuck uses divx player to watch raw? lul
u have a sick system, we know
My current hardware is over 3 1/2 years old. VLC plays HuffyUV nearly flawlessly and so does MPC. Lagarith is only recognized by MPC and plays at approx. 50% of the original speed.
Hmml, my system seems not to be able to play lagarith 30fps without stutters, at least, not on real speed.
Same here, but that's probably because the compression is so much more efficient that real-time decoding is not feasible. I'll hopefully get a new quadcore next month and I'm wondering if that will help (x264 encoding is definitely going to get a nice boost though).
Buy in bulk and share one with me :<
Could use a new motherboard too, as mine doesnt support more than am2+
hahahhahahhaa lolled hard at this gif :')
Reminds me of my grandfather
can u watch ur avi from vdub :O?
problem is in huffyuv codec, I used to have exatly the same problem like 2 years ago. Only solution (besides reinstalling windows, after reinstall everything is working like a charm) that worked for me was saving clip all over again till that bug doesnt appear.
I dont remember exactly, but I think I started having those issues after moving from 1.x version of huffyuv to 2.x, but I am not sure, its long time I had that
I used another codec and it rendered, but the video wasnt full speed. Any ideas? It
what u mean by "wasnt full speed"? You either used wrong fps or that codec with ur settings needs just too many system resources that it cannot be played in full speed (but it actually is, for example video 1280x720@100fps in huffyuv cannot be played in full speed)
It was recorded at 40 fps which was far to glithy and slow, so I then recorded at 100 fps but tis too fast :/ dunno what im doing wrong
thats quite normal, Im using 60 fps for recording and I cant play it without huge lagspikes, although I have a Quadcore with 2,4 Ghz.. So its nothing special if it cant be played on fullspeed :)
I think I get that part now, but after making the avi in vdub then rendering in vegas it the demo / vid should play an normal speed in vegas, correct? Its weird, Im almost certain my vdub settings match my vegas settings, but my demo / video is about 5 times faster than I want it to be. Is this normal?
I'm confused now.. You are trying to watch a video from vdub (encoded with a lossless codec) at divx player? what's the point? that's pointless if you do not encode with megui or some other proper codec
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