yawn-like functionality on slac site?

been asked about this a couople of times on irc, but would like input from more people.. would you like it if slac saved ingame nicks and if it was searchable like on yawn or yae?
Sure. I'd like SLAC included in ET even more ;P
The sl_listplayers works quite good, though there are some weird nicknames what give you no idea about who there really is.

And stop fiddling with those kinda thingies, work with you-know-what-client.

Also i would love to get the following infos when i do sl_listplayers: country info; and a way to know who they are because some people register fake names etc...
Also would be great if you could add sl_listplayers to et cvar list, so we can click Tab to complete!

e: and there is a bug with sl_listplayers, sometimes i see "2 infos" in just 1 line...
Why? sl_listplayers is just great, im really happy with that and wouldnt need another feature like yawn as long as I'm able to check who I am playing against :).
sl_listplayers is fine
Yup, and what agon said about tab button :p

Is there a way to link slac accounts with CF accounts so u can see everyone's CF name?
winsuggestion, prevents so many randoms
+1 thought same about it and also with CB nicks, so there wont be any random names and u can just check via cf/cb accounts.
Possible, but that would require a huge combinated database.

The question then would be: should only CF account ID, SLAC account ID be in there, or more info? IP? Other GUID's? Private info?
normally we could just chec kthe id and put it at the page, isn't this enough or did i misunderstand u?
yes, but what about shit new random id & fake name @ slac id ?
banworth + like 5% are doing this
then most of time i play against that 5%
yae style

( ip, name, slac id )

and why not cb/esl account linked to slac id :)
Definitely like this idea, I have my own nick as my SLAC nick but a lot of people don't. ET was a lot more fun when you knew who you were playing!
+1 so annoying!
sure its anoying, but in mixes already 5 years ago i was playing against rnd/fake names - nothing new.

But ye i think a link like on yawn "The punkbuster guid is known to other game communities/leagues." would be helpfull for scrims/Slac too.
yeah and lets integrate the guids into crossfire like pb guids + yawn!!!
yes, too much people with random slacnames
no. some privacy should be left.

if you're really keen indentifying the gamer then you can use esl/cb slac id search
it would give slac the feel of actually being useful to us as end consumer, cause we can finally use it for something.
eventho i tried to gather information from you guys before i still dont see anything that makes slac different from PB.
we have only seen a little number of busts, we do not have any info on the way slac actually "protects" us, we do not see any immidate effects due to silent busting etc.
i think i recall some1 "busting" people who simply got new slac IDs, here on cF. shouldnt your system do that? if its just like "lets sherlock IPs, IDs, nicks and so on to correlate those and post it on cF", my question remains: how is slac any improvement from pb?

e: also id would be a nice option for honest and transparent palyers to be able to connect their cF profile to their slac ID, the way yawn had it for pb-ids.
slac suggestion
Sent by needlansupport on Monday 24th January 2011, 23:09

Just an idea:
Add nickname tracking

a way to look back players after playing vs them

yes + ip matching

maybe trakos can help, he made yae (you are exposed) which worked way better than yawn.
My antivirus (heal button) removed slac - when it detected a virus

great anticheat by chaplja
& unexpected virus right ?

from me:
- just please GTFO dickhead.

thats just because of the way its packed, to make it harder to bypass n shit. Same has been done with private cheats.
nice video, i liked

pm if someone want that program.
28 November 1992 - oh.
Age: 23 ( 23 May 1987 )
are you ready for school tomorrow? homework done ?
"school"? :D who the fuck goes to school at 18yrs old
I want something like that

image: slac


Editet in school in old paint so not that good like last one

image: slac

But if you got so much free time just make fucking slac for linux !
nice u hacked slack already m8
you forgot the "slac password" column
yeah would be great, kinda frustrating when I'm looking at a frag vs TAG f.e. and they're all fakenicking but I can't find out who they are coz of no yawn :(

e: I'm talking about in a demo, after a match has been finished (no possibility to /sl_listplayers).
plus often sl_listplayers wont give the right ID either
If its possible to get the slac id linked to the crossfire nick then do that instead, no need to log 1000 fakenicks of people that way.

Like in the screenshot of baq but without the Last seen which is totally useless.
+1, link SLAC ID to CF account like we used to link our PBkey to our CF account.
i want to see less cheaters on ET...this addon are useless :P
not everyone would enter their slac id on CF
get an admin to make it an obligation
not everybody is using slac
only retards
reason not to use it? i can find one
not playing et? so players who don't play et cannot come on crossfire anymore if you want to "oblige" slac?
Quoteso players who don't play et cannot come on crossfire anymore

if they dont play et why wud they need slac? dickhead
"get an admin to make it an obligation " ??

how about players that don't play ET? explain your kind of obligation to me cause I don't see how admins can be able to know if a member on here plays or doesn't play et
they can sort that out
haha :D the man with solution, that's you
cant be arsed thinking atm maybe later
unless you're a public player what's the point in boycotting slac?
what if you would take someone else's CF account?
and red triangles :P
facking +1:P
sl_listplayers works fine

i dont care what nicknames users use ;o
what Mztik said

Definitely like this idea, I have my own nick as my SLAC nick but a lot of people don't. ET was a lot more fun when you knew who you were playing!
sl_listplayers is fine
Fuck Yawn, it should be similar to YAE
no, sl_listplayers is enough already
[slac id - cf account] would be nice
what if you don't have a cf account ?
make one ? takes 2min of many peoples nerdy lifes
then you deffinatly know it's a noname ;)
It would be great!
Get id, open clanbase, search database = win

Dont get me wrong, I like the idea, but I dont see this as a number one priority at the moment.
what waXx said.
shouldn't you be doing the linux client?
Combine it with cb and ESL accounts
not necessary at all, you can check opponents with sl_listplayers
no need to implement a global tracking thing
ID - SlacName - CBName - ESLname - CFname
Makes it easy to check ingame for officials if you play the right ppl. For the lazy ppl that don't want to minimize & go check the guids manually that is...

And you'd have to get acces to the CB & ESL database to query the names that go with the ID if i'm not mistaking so prolly not even possible :s
Do what everyone wants, combine it with cf/cb/esl accounts ...
But make slac for linux before :D

-this addon
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