Most aim-demanding map

Inspired from this, Id like to hear what is in your opinion the map which requires most skill in aim?

Finland maza said that the most suitable map for aimers is delivery, which is pretty ridiculous in my opinion. Delivery may have loads of close-range duels but it sure as hell doesnt require as much aiming-skill as Radar or Goldrush. I have witnessed many times these delivery/supply-heros shoot 20-30acc in Radar, which is laughable.

Supply isn't as easy-mode as Delivery but its played a lot so many people can shoot there well.

E: Special-award to Bremen, I think its hard to shoot well when playing allies, because in 2nd stage you mostly see just couple of a pixels from enemy because they are standing behind windows or walls.
couldnt agree more, has to be grush/radar
definitely missile..
Radar, you need to be able to track good from little and large distance.. less luck and more teamplay (crossfire) required
radar id say
Goldrush has a nice mix of everything, various places to get supriced by enemy & fast strafejumping and mid-air duels.

Obviously if you can't shoot there, it is because of the lags in a 2003 game with 2010 PC. xD. Or you are like me, low.

goldrush most versatile map in ET!
It requires great gamesense, but you need good and solid aim to aim good in all the different situations you can find yourself in.
Hey guess what! Veeth is back in action, installed ET today ;)
hahaha, awesome :D
maps with large open spaces.
guess you named it there with radar, grush and supply first stage
not radar, long range = lucky spread, lucky server, dmgfalloff
grush, ice, karsiah, supply
It isnt hard to aim @ supply. Was away from Et almost 2 years and still the easiest map where I own is supply. But radar etc are much harder for me to adjust again.

The maps like supply or delivery dont requier so much aim. You just need to camp your corners and just shoot. Easy
gr is all position camp gamesense

would say sd for mid and closerange aiming and radar for longrange
Where as sd is about spawntime-spam :/
oasis due uneven ground and in comp i guess same goes for maps like karsiah/radar
Radar imo
Radar allies going from main spawn to west or missile last stage as allies.
Et_ufo because you really need to aim good to hit the ufo.
at least not radar and goldrush, sometimes, it just not possible to hit on those maps cuz of distance, pings and slopes
aim demanding - radar
aim depending - delivery
whatever map i usually seem to hover around 40-45ish accuracy, but kinda see why people consider radar the most challenging.
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your point?
image: cheater

Quotewhatever map i usually seem to hover around 40-45ish accuracy....
i've only ever cheated in less than 10 games.
lol, delivery for aimers? :D

Quoteshoot 20-30acc in Radar

this is pretty hard to consider acc as a aim-measurement, as longer distance -> less acc (whoever you are) + you can see pretty often preshoot and gibs (gibbing on radar is tricky)

e: I agree with slajdan
Accuracy is pretty much meaningless but theres no way you can explain it when its down to 22%:D
well, its not seen pretty often to someone have acc under 22 :D actually, didnt see anyone in recent years to have such acc I think :D
Acc, like damage, is meaningless if measured alone. Acc goes down with things like gibbing a helluvalot, spamming and shooting just for the heck of it when you have a fops giving you a steady ammo supply. Damage does not matter if you're playing an SMG engineer or a reviving medic - although I don't think it matters in any case. What matters is the "Objective reached in xx:xx" -message.
Kiitti ku kerroit

harmi vaa että semmoset pelaajat on hyödyttömii jotka ampuis 25 acc:lla 2000dg / rundi, vaikka niillä oiski se 15 gibbii (tämmöset megamäärät yleesä selittyy sillä että gibataa vihu 5sek respaan)

etkä sä saa sitä aikaa mappiin jos et osaa tehä damaa engilläkin :D sama homma nostomekulla

dama ratkaisee mutta noihin muihin statseihin on hyvä tuudittautua jos on paska pelaaja
That, or they could simply be players who simply don't shoot excessively much. A patient and calm player waiting for the enemy to foolishly rush in into your team's well-planned defence won't obviously get as much damage as the fraghunting medic who manages to get three nice backrape kills, but gibs none of them and they're all revived by the fourth surviving player.

It's a matter of playstyles. Low damage won't necessarily mean a person is a bad aimer or has a poor gamesense. Of course I'm not claiming that it couldn't mean this, but you probably get my point.
sure the most important message is "obj reached in..", but as long as this topic is about aim, I'd say that most important thing is rate of yourhp vs enemyhp in even 1v1 duels if you know what I mean :o
btw fun fact u dont lose (or gain) accuracy when gibbing, but obviously u dont usually gib with 100% accuracy
what? since when do we play etmain? you trying to tell me, that when you gib, your bullets are "hitting" or what?
its like u never even shot those bullets
been playing this game for so long and didnt know (had to try it myself :D)
well, its often hard to gib properly as you often gib on long range or you are being shot yourself.
anyway, I am sorry for my slightly offensive previous reply
longer distance -> less acc
lol u mad? learn 2 aim
the maps i personally shoot best in are supply/bremen/karsiah/grush(if my computer behaves) hardest map gotta be radar or missile like someone said

Never able to see anything there ffs.

because you can only win by outaiming your enemy, and not by doing the objective

there, i said it
let me chuckle now
wait 5 more minutes, then you can chuckle
You didnt read those books about philosophy for nothing :D

E: Gonna go to library tomorrow :) First time in years :c
get here from out of there's



library you say? what are you gonna do in that god-forsaken place

E: Going to loan books, its not like I have money for them... All my money goes to my food
yeah thought so
reading books of a delusional person isn't my thing
you can recommend something if you want.

perhaps some of lovecraft's or poe's short stories
I know nothing but I think Poe and Crowley were kind of delusional persons. :D

I will ask them if they have Daodejing :>
actually, I think you need to spend a bit more time in the library ;)

If outaiming your opponent is the only thing the map requires from you, it means it is relative to your opponent's skill. If your opponent is weak, valhalla won't be the most aim-demanding map. The question raised in this journal is whether a map itself makes it hard for the players to aim (and which one), not the opposition players that are playing against you on it :).
my reply was supposed to be a pun -_-

also, what does spending time in a library have to do with anything? :p
well, honestly it was meant to be a bit provocative, but now I see that I mixed you up with thunderthighs :D

Yeah, I know it was fun, just wanted to point it out in case someone else doesn't find the funnies there :D

radar, grush and bremen
I think that Radar and Gold Rush are the two most demanding maps, aimwise.
Probably because they both consist of a combination of short and long range situations which demands the player to vary their aim.
delivery is the least aim-needing map, since it's my best 3v3 map and my aim sucks.
Jere hater
I thought you only use nades in 3on3
once every 3 minutes I try to aim :)
You're the very best schatje :*
adler by far.
good question, i'd say radar. always get pretty high accuracy on grush and on ice
cant get over 30% accuracy so doesnt matter for me
u need aim at every map there no maps where u can easy aim wtf one is good at long distance another play well at short
fuck adlernest
bremen if competitive maps only.
goldrush is the most versatile obviously, lots of altitude differentiation, open areas, small areas on all types of ranges. That's why I love the map, I can ravage guys like this :!
imo goldrush. There are just all possible aiming situations involved in the map, from low till high range, from different angles and heights unter the variety of interesting and complex strategic aiming situations
minas tirith
cant understand you guys mentioning bremen, atleast for me its reletevely easy to aim there since i get okey fps there but radar and some parts of grush (where i get shitty fps) have always been pretty tough
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