dear sCope

I hope you get well, he can move around with those sticks now or whatever they are called after very serious accident, his leg was broken from 3 places and 1 his right hand pinky had to be cut off since the car ran over it :SSS.

Everyone pray that he gets home this week, i sure am.
get well dear friend
yes idd :(
ei saa aru.. kui see on nali, siis see pole absoluutselt naljakas ning kui see pole, siis mis kuradi põhjusega sa seda tervele ET kommuunile teatad? mõlemat pidi oled täis tont
Retard oled või ?
I hope he gets better and obviously I don't know exactly what transpired, but I usually don't have a lot of sympathy for drunk people getting themselves hurt.
Welcome to Estonia :-)
sad world
Quoteand 1 his right hand pinky had to be cut off since the car ran over it :SSSp

no gaming for him anymore
He can game lol, hold the mouse yourself.
not gaming on the ps3 / xbox or whatever :D
dont think so, playing without right pinky wouldnt affect gaming that much :o
pics or it never happened
he's at the hospital dude.... for heaven's sake...
right hand pinky can be cut off.
left hand is for crouching.
he got lucky.
nice1 :DDDD
hahaha <3
that must fucking hurt, cutting your pinky finger off :s
pic of car !
Get well soon :o
türa loodame et kutil läeb paremaks
get well soon sCope :)
Enjoy i would drive over him again and again till he's fully gibbed niggu
that is what happens when you play supply depot with tj config, the car has twice the speed
get well soon scope
dont drink & drive
Get well soon!
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