Hide&seeK @ night muchos fun xo

hey cf

lets have muchos fun on vent together playing hide&seek xoxoxo 33023 ventpw bongi, chanpw will be in my comment :P !


! :D !

one problem though: we DONT have a server with the hide&seek config on it :P so!!! !! :D !
hey xo
nerd :s
real nerds ;p
Quote jalo on 01/02/11, 02:19:03 PM | Report | Reply

real nerds ;p
ahaha ur stalking me !!:p

im watching The duck tales btw :XDDD
ye,stalking on you 24/7 since 2015.. oh wait :D

[cz]kaceri prjdou kdyz jsi v nouzi, kdyz te uzkost ze sna vzbouzi ![/cz]
ur stalking me since u got facebook ;))

[cz]zavolat jen staci heslo Kacer huuuuuu[/cz]
how could be my fb connected with stalking you? probably if you said since I got YOUR facebook.. :D
[cz]no jeste ze nejsem v nouzi, bo tohle heslo #367 blablabla bych si asi nezapamatoval :XD[/cz]
u alrdy knew when u created ur fb account u will stalk me !! cos im so fucking hooooot :pp
I created it by far before I first saw you (digitex 09, how could I forget :D)
u had many dreams about me ;)) u told me that on teamspeak :P:XD ohh u were so shy on digitex and u looked like a dwarf :X
shy lol ? :D I just didnt want to talk to these lowbies there so I sticked with iR :D
ye,I look kinda like dwarf and I like it :o wouldnt want to be taller :o
dreams about you? :D r u on drugs or smth? :D
lowbies :XD i see what u did there :)) hope i'll meet you once again at LAN or somewhere :XD im on drugs, arent you ??:):p
ye,would be cool to meet once again, what about.. EC? :D
anyway,when we met on kosmonosy lan you didnt talk to me much :( everyone ignored me there :XD
btw cool song : http://gobarbra.com/hit/c19af9df1e5a74c254a006186bbf6869

e : http://gobarbra.com/hit/5e2388dcf92f3b07021259230d5c8e1b :D
EC :XD hmmm :) when we were on kosmonosy lan u were hiding everywhere or better to say, nobody seen you cos of ur height :XD

Edit: ye thats denton's fault we lost :)):XD
u sirius? I was there free for chat all the time, but noone appeared to be interested :D [img][email protected][/img]
well,we should really discuss EC (in case they'd take more than 16 teams it might be a bit more worthy)
u were here for everything, but not only for chat with someone :XD iR = EC, gotta be troll or im gonna die :XD
hf dying :D
well,anyone could talk to me :( but no, nobody likes me :(
greenie mad...dont worry i like u so much mr. teleporter :PPpPpP im so fucking bored of watching The duck tales :XD do u have any idea what to do ??:))
lets wank.. together :D
or if you didnt like that, you can watch any other awesome series/movie, play random browser game (travian, cs manager, whatever), or play any other random game, like quakelive (dont be coward and try it already :D) or osu (osumme, awesome game, need someone to play against :P)
wanking is for kids ;)):XD i can watch any other series/movies, but rly dont know which ones ;)) i suck hard in QL :XD something better to do ??:XD but i have an idea, i wanna go to nonstop bar and troll here, get some weed and go home :P
no, wanking is way how to release your sexual tension ":D"
well,I would recommend you some, but as I dont know which ones you've seen, I wont >:D
you suck in ql? another reason to pracc it :D
and as I said,try this : http://osu.ppy.sh/ :D darky already tried it and liked it, just ask him :D
you gonna ask another waitress if you can go sleep to her house again? :D
ok gonna wank :DD just some cool comedy or action movie ;)) ql = bad thing :O
wtf osu is :XD just one minute of the video and i mad 8)
how u can know what i was asking the waitress for ??:DD
osu is really great game, I sometimes use it for increasing my focus and reaction speed before match :o and also its great fun :D
how could I know? I:
a)read minds
c)you told me on teamspeak3, iR channel day after
I know its hard to choose,but you will probably manage to do it.. :D
anyway,gonna sleep now :o cu pal x) (tho I wont play next few days most probably, I will be still nerding on cf :D)

welcome in da club :D

welcome in da club :D
now i know why u suck :XD just stop play this game, its getting you crazy ;)) c) is right i guess :))) gonna troll now ...ur cf nerd, better to BAN YOU !!
honestly,didnt play it for some time :D but still its great game and I used it in times of my greatest fame :o
I was once really banned :( horrible days,had to make fake account :D
ur greatest fame ?? wtf ??:DDDD
i was only warned for nothing, cos Baggiez madness, and had to wait 14 days to delete my warning points :(( cannot check who visited my profile and who was stalking me :((:D
well,I meant time I played my best and ppl started to know me :D (CiC7!)
ah,you once had warning points omg omg! :D once I got 50 just for fake account :XD
cant belive i just read all the story u 2 made up..

boredness to the max
true that xD
oh c'mon...ur such a nerd !!:XD
nonono, i just had to do smth, so well reading ur story was good that my eyes were closing slowly :P
we didnt make it up, its true story! :D
was fun to read, even tho u will find it weird xD
well,no,not that much,its sometimes fun to read these stories you are not involved at :P crossfire is great source of such great stories :D
hah, but only when ur really bored, otherwise im just to lazy to read over all this wall of text :p
vent sounds good but i talk too much :x
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