Coast_b1 ?

Tell me again,

Why aren't we playing this map?
It looks decent imo.

WTB ET_Village back :D
WTB ET_Village back :D
just try it
looks nice!
any servers running it ?
they should put it to some server, there have been shittier looking maps than this so why not give it a try
it is a good map, used to rock it with Sweden ORDER CHERRY :D
good map but bad walk-through
WTB ET_Village back :D
Because of the fucking noob bug that u can swim around and fuck the whole map up, fix the bug and I agree ;)
wtf is that? i've never heard of it lol
consequently poles addicted to special delivery?
its looks very nice :P
missile > this anyway
etplayers are autists, they cant handle changes and therefor no new maps.
I was working on a Beta2 back then, but as it seems I never released it. It already included some fixes like clipping the way from first allies spawn to the boat. Though this was intended as a feature in the first place (radar-style end objective with close axis/allies spawns).

But I figured the real problem was the second stage with the tank escort and missing alternative ways (such as a cave or a upper one). Now that I look at the movie I might even give it another shot, but I'm not quite sure if its worth the time.

(need to find bugreports and stuff in the old newspost for that I suppose)
What is the average time you need to build a map?
Coast for example I built in about 3 weeks. But that was a once in a lifetime act, because I just finished school and had too much free time. Usually a whole map takes various months. Unfortunately the balancing/playtesting is the most time consuming measured at the impact it does on the map afterall, still its important.

Ofcourse open space maps like Coast/Radar take alot less time and brushwork than a town like Oasis or Goldrush. Terrain can be c/p and sculpted at high speed if you are used to it.
Is it true that you and "xeoxis" will work on something new?
We talked about it once or twice but atm there is no contact/chat between us two. IIRC he was working on something on his own. I have also blocked out a whole new map two months ago and consider finishing it in March/April (not sure) or I could pick up Coast again. Depends on my free time and motivation mostly.
I can assist you with many bright and enchanted ideas, if you need it.
I liked Coast. It'd be cool to have it available in mappools, so if you get the time and motivation, it'd be nice :)
v2_base is the map i want in competition

This one looks good, too tho'
coast was already played in competition
v2_base wasn't afaik (evenhough there is even a _te-version)
true v1 was if i remember well
great map, i remember the times from noquarter.
fucking annoying music
cus slac cause fps drops ahahahahah :D
this is effectivly a good map even tank take to long to reach the gate
imo one of best maps in et, like supply or deli
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