E72 or E52

If any of you guys have one of that model - can you recommend it?

I was thinking of buying one of these phones. I had read many reviews about both of them and it seems like E72 has 90% of positive comments while E52 around 40% less. The only problem is that those opinions are kinda old. I would love to see what you are thinking of it. I would rather buy E72 at the moment, even if it is more expensive. I will be using it mainly for talks, text messages and surfing the Internet.

I had have in my mind Nokia N900 but it is definitely too expensive for me.

why not both?
HTC Desire, not the HD one :)
I have thought about it too but touch screenies are not really those kinds of phones I would like to have
no1, buy sth with android ;)
if you want i can sell you n95 or n95 8gb
i got an e51 i love it :D
I have had a E75 (same phone as the 72 pretty much I think, just with a slider keyboard). Qualitywise the E series is probably one of the best you can get for that amount of money. However compared with almost any newer phone out there, the OS is totally outdated and surfing the web with this little cursor key is really painful.

If you really wanna do some stuff online with the phone, I'd go for a touchscreen. I think there are plenty of cheap Androids phones on the market (you could also have a look at the Palm Pre or Pixi!)
Well, I've had an iPhone 3G in my hands for a longer while and all I have really done with it was surfing the Internet. I got bored after some days. It means I'm not really bothered to buy any "better" touch screen phone (which is more expensive, too) and I don't want any worse mobile either. I'm a guy who rather put his phone down throughout at football pitch and play the game insted of looking at it or focusing on it.

Might take a look at the Palm Pre or Pixi as you've exactly said :) Thanks for a good overall comment.
coz 72>52
I had a E72 and loved it for what it does. However, I love my iPhone more!

For net wise, you can't go wrong with a San Fransisco (could be called something different in other countrys). Its a cheap android phone which can be modded to shit!

The palm pre and pixi is bound to come down in price too soon , feb 9th onwards when HP announce new handsets!
What was the functionality like? I've heard some rumors that it was quite bad and the E52 model has performed much better at it. Anyway, I have my PC (+ might have a new notebook soon) so I'm not focused on Internet functionality so much (of course it'd be better if it had a good one). I might take a look at those HP also, will read about them if I find some more of spare time.
Functionality was fine as it was, it did it's job. However, I re-flashed the software and found a site which had a version which had all the basics the phone needed which make it go a lot faster.

Buttons are a dream, they fit perfectly in the hand, but the symbols take a bit of getting use to because [shift] and the small arrow dont work as there supposed to at time!
Yeah, it's basic to update your software to the newest I think. QWERTY keyboard is awesome, and indeed as you say - they keys are fitting perfectly to the hand (have heard it from other sources, too). The OS is quite outdated compared to any newer phone but I don't mind it, honestly.
Yeah the o/s sucks! Although the Ovi store does have some decent things in to use!
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