A bad and a good News

A thief stole my HTC Legend :'( (ffs i loved Android 2.2)

otherwise i bought a POLO :)
looks like the thief also stole your english skill.
Engrish spotted
vw polo omg ....
image: volkswagen-polo-2010-live-at-geneva-motor-show-img_3
this one?
nice car. had it for a while.
Seems like he also took your English grammar book with him.
soon u gotta take out your shit king and kill em like your neighbours, even if they didnt kill him, u gotta because he is the biggest dickhead ever born.

but i heard that ppl in morrocco is barinwashed as fuck and they love their dicator even tho he makes em be poor XD so i dont know if ull do something.
comes from a spanish boy getting his informations from the best brainwashing media in the world.
show me where you saw dictatorship in Morocco ?!
Spain is one the one of the poorest country in EU, still you have 20,6% of unemployment.
From another point i am Moroccan and i live a fucking good life changing cars like shirts without probleme, i saw lot of Spanigh tourists here Casablanca.. dude they are stying in crappy hotels with roach.
give me concrete facts and maybe i will enlighten you.
one thing is spain another is were im at, which is the richest place. i hate spain myself, im not some retard like u adoring his king and country even when things are heavily wrong (here they are wrong, on yurs they are really wrong), your king is a faggot using your helicopters to get his car to london to get it repaired, and its an aston martin. your king does whatever the fuck he wants, if u talk wrong about him u get censored and to jail, please soem guy wrote "native land god and barça" isntead of "native land god and king" and he got to jail. fuck sad ppl.

u might have a good life (your life quiality is just like european avrg) while your place has lots of poor ppl. dont get me started on sahara.
dude... facts and not thoughts
if you were among the 100 richest people in the world according to Forbes,don't you think if you have that kind of privilege( to have your own helicopter ,...)to do whatever you want, won't you do that ?!
dude open up your mind and be serious a little bit, i live in Morocco and nobody has been jalied for that "God - Homeland - King".
i admit it Morocco isnt a good country but for a nation living outside EU shadow and without oil and gaz we are preety fine towards the quality of life.
Anyway you have highlighted sahara, tell what about it ?! (dont put your freaky thoughts again)
rofl he is a top hundred in the forbes list?:DD that says a lot, how fuckign corrupt the place must be. and by the way he used an helicopter from the state not his own. about the sahara, oh well u are total nazis with it. what are u goign to tell me? sahara ppl wants to be in morrocco? its funny because its what all morroccans say, but on the other hand my saharaui friend is pretty pissed off at morrocco.

by the way http://www.moroccoboard.com/news/34-news-release/311-18-months-in-jail-for-substituting-qkingq-for-qbarcaq

wasnt true huh?

and about your superlife qualit:

"Living standards in Morocco are low by international standards and have declined continually since the early 1990s. As a result, the number of Moroccans living below the poverty line has risen sharply in the last decade"


ull stay stay the same aslogn as u have some corrupt mother fucker stealing on u all, i cant belive how u still adore that retard, must be some fucking big propaganda going on there. oh well what can u expect from mega religious ppl, they are easily tricked into beliving stuff even if its obvious they are getting stolen.

and by the way to clean things up its nothing personal nor agianst u, its to your king and towards this stupid people that still defends him even if he threats u like shit, and u cant say shit against him because ull get in trouble, if he would do things right this would not happend and u wouldnt have this huge amount of ppl on poberty levels. luckily in egypt and tunisia they standed up. doubt it will happend to morrocco since its this brianwashed. why the fuck u think in europe ppl has 4 times better life quality than yours (i refer to morrocco overall not u) and u dont, because of faggots like your king. and spain is one of the poorest in europe because of a guy that did the same as u (and even more terrible things) like censoring whoever spoke agaisnt him. and he was extra harsh against catalans, why u think we are wealthier now than the rest of spain?

mans like those aint doing any good for u. if u would get rid of him u would do so much better.
the guy was released two days after so ...
talking about the king man he is a king like every king or queen in the worl he got his business, his family owns one of the strongest corporation in Afirca, name one poor king !!

you have 1 Moroccan friend hate Morocco, i have dozens of Spanish guys hate Spain , big deal , i heard even some spanish tards killed his own childs so...

corruption is everywhere, and yes the space for freedom of speech was tight 10-15 years ago but now everything has changed but still some issues wait to be solved

you know , because a person is rich or you ignore what what he did doesnt make him a retard and must be hated.

Quoteeurope ppl has 4 times better life quality than yours

you must be kidding me xD (its true if you are talking about France Germany Norway ..., but dude come on Europe is 50 country)
since u certainly have problems on reading i wont keep on replying. and yeah ofcourse is totally nomral that a king uses a state helicopter for his aston amrtin, also is totally normal to take out magazines from the stores because they didnt talk good about on the king. u are a brain cripple, anyway i wotn reply any further because it seems u cant read english.
... totally Brainwashed
if you are too dumb to realise that most of europe is what is it now because they got rid of retarded kings like yours then u really deserve being on a shit country. atleast u can say thanks that u got a decent life, while most of your fellows are around europe looking for jobs.

god how stupid can ppl be.
check unemployment stats you jerk before you writing shit
Quotemost of europe is what is it now because they got rid of retarded kings like yours

That's why the EU cannot ceasethe demands to Morocco for having the rights to fish in our territorial water, how pathetic can you be xD

Anyway you must be thankful to be a part of EU, without EU everyone knows what coul happen to you
u are terribly retarded, CAN U PLEASE LEARN TO READ? what did i say about spain retard? im catalan we hate spain for a reason spain is poor (not as poor as your country obviously) and in catalonia we are waay wealtheir, jesus fuckign christ learn to fuckign read.

keep being a 3rd wrld country with your king, while france etc killed their shit king like yours and evntually became what they are now. hf bro
You are a part of the spanish Kingdom, and yes sorry to tell you that, you do have a king and talking shit wont make you right
but unlike u retard, i dont defend him, and i dislike him and hate him. u should learn to read, how many times do i have to tell u this retard? we dont get retarded propaganda.

while our king is utterly shit but yet yours is laods worse since ours doesnt really do shit while yours is like a god in your place u adore him no matter what. lol braincripples.
for the million times give concrete facts that he does only shit or stfu
i gave u facts and u denied them retard:DD then i proved u wrong and u were like "loll he got realsed doesnt matter" fucking braincripple lol.

u really think is worth it make a research for brainwashed retards like u?:D
i gave you facts instead of article's title of untrusted sources.
you must be a retard to have that kind of logic.

Moroccan's King is shit because you saw somewhere on the inet that some guy got jaledDONE ffs read the all story before speaking shit.

i can make everyone in the world a retard for some unrelated shit.
point me those facts?

and its widely known what kind of king u have. u kinda remind me of nortkorean ppl tbh rofl.
and by the way the information i get aint from spanish media, i dont look at media. and even if it was it wouldnt be balant lies, here we have freedoom of speech, we can talk shit about our king if we wanan nothign will happend unlike u where u get evrything censored.

here theres media taht its trust worthy and theres media taht its not, u might never heard of it but here we have this thing called freedom of speech

and u aint telling me shit about where i get my shit from, my dad made the reddit from spain and the stuff in there is stuff voted by users and not what media wants u to see.

why do u always type that much friend
dude dont talk about spanish Media because i know you didnt even know what EU parlement said about it, so stop defending shit and saying its trust worthy(they posted dozens of apology posts concerning what they published about Moroccan sahara ).

you should visit Morocco to see how is life here these days !!
i told u im not checking spanish media, cant u read?

and only corrupt ones are governement related, nobody can censore shit here.
Quotehere theres media taht its trust worthy
yes there is, the one that aint under any governemnt influence, u really cant read, can u?

perhaps even your country gets saved since there is ppl asking for a democratic consitution, luckily theres some young ppl with brains over there. unlike u brain crippled.
if u bought a polo its more then deserved that ur crappy mobile phone got stolen.
"Und das ganze Land schreit: F L E R"
wo steht da bitte ein E ?
"Und das ganze Land schreit: F L R"
so schon eher :-D
ich weiß doch was du brauchst ^^
Please, call the carepolice.
personne ne t'as forcé à lire ce journal !!
Merci quand même de laisser une trace
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