Mass Effect II

I finished Mass Effect a couple of days ago and I was thinking of "buying" ME2 after I format my PC.
After playing the demo, however, I noticed a lack of Inventory and wondered if that would be like that in the retail version, because it sucks and I loved dressing up my intergalactic sluts in Backstreet Boys-like armors. It gave it all a very KOTOResque feel to it which I loved as well.
And don't get me started on the reload and ammo system, which, if you ask me, has been a huge downgrade from the overheat system of the prequel.
The story was pretty meh and Sci-Fi standard but I'd be willing to give it a shot if the sequel is worth the effort.

tl;dr: Is Mass Effect 2 good?
ask Slovenia noctifüria
u called me m8 :) now im gonna add u to buddylist :)
youre already in my buddylist :)
Youre not getting a spot in my buddylist :(
At first I didnt like ME2 more than ME1. Played ME1 and immediately went for ME2.. But after playing both, I have to say that ME2 is better playing wise for sure.

ME2 has more options and ps. if you want to get laid by the human, dont fuck it up in conversations ;)
I did exactly the same and had the same experience... I disliked the system and missed some of the inventory shit.

But in the end I just can not decide which one I enjoyed more... And that's a good thing :P
jade empire, kotor 1+2 and mass effect 1+2 are all epic games
i liked it more than me1 all in all
It can't hold up to the first one. Power usage and cover system is better, but the rest isn't the same. Mind you, I liked the game finished it twice. But the story/immersiveness/rpg aspects are alot better in the first one. ME1 feels more like kotor and an open world, while feels more like an action game.
remember to backup your me1 savegame as u can import it. the decisions u made in me1 will be transfered to me2.

its not me1 but still great and worth to buy it
But no items and inventory though?
No, but you can pick different weapons and customize your armor abit. It's not the as awesome as in the first one though :(
if you want to get laid by the human, dont fuck it up in conversations ;)
ME1 is sadly much better , the story was flowin like you would read and interesting book etc
ME2 started shit , went shitty thru half of the game and aced that with a shit end. yet its playable.
me2 is good, yet a bit too short id say
my wife is playing it every day after finishing ME1 and ME2 and Dragon Age again and again with new characters. so i guess its good

I prefer more Dragon Age
Don't you dare talking shit about ME2. Ok there's no inventory, so what ? ME2's characters are way more interesting (but it could hardly be worse than Kaiden & Ash) and the story is great.

Just get it :)
best game of 2010 imo, just perfect
It's awesome, but yeah, they casualized some aspects too much.

You can still dress Shepard up in a pink armour, thouh.
It's perfect, I miss the weaponupgrades from ME1 tho
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