good morning everyone


it's a lovely shitty day. woke up feeling pumped up and ready to pwn. got an exam today and one tomorrow. so study, study, study. I think I have a good chance passing both of them, but we'll see :)

now having my standard breakfast: marlboro + turkish coffee (the one were u boil water once, then add coffee and boil again 2 times. pretty powerful shit I might add. red bull can suck my fat balkan cock)

how about u? how's ur uni going? got any exams as well?

shoutout to all cool people on crossfire

image: 915e353eb9
u're a funny guy. u must be really cool
Don't poison me, Mr. Sneep Sir!
u really are limited
Ofcourse I are! :D
send greetings to lumbarda
got 2 exams on 10 and 11.2 should study but im sooo lazyyyyy
Melanie Rios

google her ^,^
finished all my exams , failed 2 or well i pretty much skipped them on purpose ... SQL , Datawarehouse shit is shit , pretty much passed all non practical classes

1 project to go -.- 50 pages of Operation Research
Just had my first exam (of six, another four in march). Most likely passed it but it didn't go too well. Next one (Operations Research) tomorrow, that should be a tad easier :-)

(Next week another one tuesday, thursday and two on friday)
Operation Research >.< iam happy that i have no exam just a frikkin long project about "Zeitreihenanalyse" !
Well, it's just OR1, so it's the basics I guess.

Netzplantechnik, Lineare Optimierung, Transportoptimierung, Ganzzahlige Optimierung, Kombinatorische Optimierung
Melanie Rios is just soooooooo sexy c8

Had last exam yesterday. Waitin for the results from two exams, but I am pretty sure I passed them both.
Good morning to u

exams r done np ;)
gtfo have till tomorrow
hihihi, lucky you ;)
GL @ exam

I've got a few tests coming up soon, my final engines exam on Friday should hopefully get good results on this one, previous guys said the first test was a lot harder than the one I'm taking Friday and I had highest results in the year on the first so nP :_D
Think I've got about 7 more coming up in the next 2-3 months then it's a lot of paper work/written stuff to do -,-

Girl wasn't sexy btw :'(
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