360 Wolfenstein


"Id's Kevin Cloud said in an interview that the company and Raven (who has already collaborated on Quake 4) "are working together to take advantage of all the graphic capabilities that the Xbox 360 has to offer, and what we're doing with Wolfenstein is creating this one, large empire that is seamlessly loaded to the player as he explores his world."


no, wait: There is no spoon °°
there is a chair, and it walks with his feet!
looked like a link to a cod3 site there were so many banners.

I saw the words "redefine the genre". This usually means some gimmick to hook the casual gamers in. Do what u want on the 360 just please dont fuck it up on the pc.
Older gamers are waiting for rtcw2 just to be as good as rtcw. The current new crop of BF2ers and COD2ers are going to want to move on to a game with a little more depth and surely people must be bored of CS by now. PLEASE ID THE TIME IS RIGHT JUST DONT FUCK IT UP.
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