Whine whine whine!

Hello Crossies!

Well I wanna ask you one thing. How a professor can expect me to make a exam in PORTUGUESE language when I know only some basic stuff and can speak only few words that are used every day?

Exam is about managment so there are a lot of words of business. Professor say. It will be easy exam. I put the old one on Internet for you to see it (its in portuguese too). The exam is like 5 pages and there are all the scenarios and stuff in portuguese ahahaha.

Well going to send him an email about this. Because I dont think I have a chance to do it in protuguese language.

What do you guys think? Am I just lazy of not studying the language and not speaking it perfectly after 5 months or am I the victim in here?
Are you an erasmus student?
Why are you following a course in portuguese?
Yes im Erasmus student.
That what I was thinking the same...

They have enlgish speaking teacher, but im the only one in that departament who is from Erasmus. In another words. I have all classes and courses in Portuguese. Only one teacher made English in class and that course I pass very good and got from the project 94%. :(
Weird.. I thought that erasmus was always in english. You should talk to the school..
in our university the classes are in german also though we got a spanish erasmus student :o
poor guy :D
he takes it with lots of humour... :D
but as far as i know his exam will be in english :o not sure about it though.
Doubt you have to speak it perfectly , So yea I think you didn't put to many effort in it
I think ur the victim here .
Well, since you are studying "outside" your country, the teacher should teach you in english and ofc give you the exam in english, or atleast the possibility to answer in english!

Send him a email and/or ask the university about this situation...
Why is that ? If i wanted to study abroad, i would have to pass a language exam first..thats the usual way.. so basically u have to know the countries "teaching-language" before going there.
rofl, it would took like YEARS to learn finnish i bet
one of my friends has been to finland last year.. and he told me that his courses were held in english.
Yes in Finland they make "Erasmus Groups" that group will have same courses and everything in English language.
He is a erasmus student.. I'm not sure, but i guess the "receptionist" country should provide lessons at English atleast. Some people go into erasmus for just 1 semester. It's impossible to learn another language properly to write a university exam in just 1 semester...
i know thats its erasmus, just checked the requirements of my universitiy and it says i have to be able to speak the countrys "teaching language"
that sucks then :X
he can't. you have every right to clock the mothafucka
guess u meant "glock dat niggeh"
Its only normal that the exam is given in the language the course is taught imo. Why did you take classes given in a language you dont understand in the first place.. you are not Chinese are you now? :_)
haha lol at all the chinese people at my university who dont understand a shit what the profs say :D
Aha +1 Its all fun and games until you have to work with them though XD
All courses are in Portuguese. There is no option about this. Other courses were easyer, because lets say Cisco... or Operation Research which is pure mathematics.
well I wanted to go to mexico at first for my exchange but i only took 1 course of spanish and ofc I was terrible - so for me that was a no go and went to canada instead. So ye its good that you had the balls to do it but you cant really complain about making a test in portugese then right?! Anyway I would try to convince the prof as well, but making a prof do more work than he's supposed to - tough job ^^
Yea I have the same feeling. Like I dont want to be "problem" there for professor or anything. Its the schools "folt" not really realising that there will be eramsus students. :D I have that feeling that thats what happened there. But its still fun in here and will not make my self go all depressed about this.
I learned French in 1-2 months, but it's a latin language so it's different . I think it depends on the person.
Ask to do it with a dictionary ?
Ah well dont know about latin thing. Maybe you are just good ;). I only know Russian, Finnish, English and little of Swedish and French.
when i first moved from portugal to england i knew no english and had to do a maths exam and i got the best grade in the all year, obvious maths is a universal language but i was still pretty proud!

abit unlucky tbf
Yes maths are easy. In here I had math and even when I did not understood what she say I just look at the board and figure it out. :) math <3
id recommend speaking to the teacher and explaining your situation and hopefully he will go out of his way to help you, us portuguese people are pretty nice so you might get lucky ;)
what a stupid comparison lol
was i comparing anything? i was telling him about my experience!
Since you have been in Portugal for 5 months now, I think you should be able to do it. Or do you go to school, back home and do nothing else but gaming, watching television (no portuguese one), etc.

I am going to France for 3 months (internship), and if I had to do an exam in French, I guess I would be able to do that.

But I know what you are saying. Just send a mail to your teacher and explain it. If he doesn't agree with you, send a mail to your headmaster. If he doesn't agree either, you are doomed to fail.

Good luck.
wij hebben allemaal al ne goeien basiskennis Frans omda wij hier gewoon aangeleerd krijgen opt school he. kdenk ni da die gast portugese lessen heeft gekrijgen :D
Yea I go to school.. where I have lessons in Portuguese. Understand 0%, go home and go to waterpolo training :). After that home and some serieses or maybe to a dinner or a bar. Depends on how tired i'm. You almost guess it ;)
"Since you have been in Portugal for 5 months now, I think you should be able to do it."

learning a completely new language in 5 months well enough to study using it just like all the other portuguese students? lots of respect if someone is able to do that

your comparison about you going to intern in france from belgium doesen't really match as french is one of your official languages if I'm not mistaken. in finland I doubt there even are many schools that offer the chance to study portuguese :)

anyway I find it pretty odd that they don't offer any courses in english if they're taking in international students :o
well i doubt ur gonna do worse than in an english exam
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