Investmens and trading
3 Feb 2011, 00:22
As part of some university coursework i need to choose an article and examine how IT has affected it and that industry etc. Also relating it to your careers aspirations etc. No need to get into exactly whats needed.
I have chosen a share trading article as i do it and am interested in it.
My question is: are you investing or planning to invest in anything and are you even interested in share trading and do any of you do it?
Not your usual crossfire journal but still. Haters gunu hate
I have chosen a share trading article as i do it and am interested in it.
My question is: are you investing or planning to invest in anything and are you even interested in share trading and do any of you do it?
Not your usual crossfire journal but still. Haters gunu hate
Also awaiting my new contract which should hopefully increase my shareholding with yearly shares offered out as an incentive plus an increase when I sign on the dotted line.
Not something I particularly follow but given that I'll be following these might be something I'll look into. Wouldn't have had the capital to invest had they not been company issued.