WikiLeaks nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

I think it deserves a thumbs up, after all the effort the United States of America government made to attack WikiLeaks and Assange.

Thumbs up
Nobel Troll Prize should be better imo :)
I think Frop should be nominated for the nobel peace prize :(.
You can go and nominate him, it is open to everyone.
Wait some years before seeing him in the jury in order to nominate himself.
Good ...
Wikileaks is rather provoking conflicts than making peace.
That's to get people to start thinking more critically instead of being fed everything with a spoon.
If you hate your neighbour for example. You wouldn't say that to him right in the face as it would just cause trouble.
The same goes for states IMO. Sometimes you do not have to be too direct.

I know that some things from wikileaks are worth getting spread, but I do not see an instance checking all the files they do get.
Because then anything they do release can't be trusted, its either release it all without touching a thing or don't bother at all, because then for all we know, its been tampered with.

edit: as decem suggests below, it already is gone through and selectively released anyways, which I certainly hope not because then its not really worth listening to -.-
I would be against the release of all files they get as I think some political gossip is just causing suspences.
And I do favor not knowing the truth for sure over a new war at most cases.

There are certainly things which would be good to know and not cause a war, but I do not believe that Wikileaks has a trustworthy instace who's checking that.
Once again its either don't 'check' any of it or don't bother releasing anything at all. Its not all gossip, yes some of it is, some of it was quite funny actually, but theres also a lot of important information about the war and such.
yea lets rather keep all of us out of all the secrets even tho u pay taxes and shit:) and let them be corrupt and all. dont be retarded.
Did they release a file which discovered that yet? I see the positive sites of Wikileaks, but it does not make peace.
wikileaks aint there to make peace, countries should do that not wikileaks. and all the shit they do should be of our knowledge because we picked those governments and we pay taxes. if they dont want trouble then they should start doing things right.
But the discussion was about Wikileaks deserving the Nobel Peace Prize. Wikileaks does some good things, but it does not make peace. At least not now.
nobel peace prize is bs, obama won it anyway.
or rather just putting the truth out there
its up to others what happens after
True, but if you give a mentally ill person a gun or a reason to hate/kill someone you do also kind of feel responsible for the upcoming happenings.

Wikileaks releases files which can sometimes be compared to that. At least no file calmed a situation yet, which makes me wondering that they get nominated for the nobel prize of peace
that example is retarded, u make look the guy who will get shoot totally guiltless when its the other way around.
No I don't. You do. I absolutely did not say anything about the guilty of the one who recieved the weapon/reason.
i mean the guy on your example who'll get shoot not the one with the weapon. the guy who'll get shoot is guilty (governement) and dotn give a shit if he'll get shoot.
edited, thanks.
wikileaks is damage control. monitored and selected leaks. all the old stuff is gone from their page. Assange thinks 9/11 is nothing, and clearly its something.
I was only once reading Wikileaks (i use other forum for such infos), but if 9/11 is censored by them then its a proof that they are controlled and only allowed to show what we are allowed to see... so nothing other as the TV stations and newspapers.

e: Who knows, maybe the gouverments want it to make famous to have a reason to censor the whole internet coz we are all "terrorists" and its our tool".

In my opinion the internet is so or so a pain in ass for all gouverments in the world coz it is to huge to controll totally TILL NOW.
it was just assange but he said in a interview that it's nonsense or something similiar, which clearly just states he is not neutral on the matter.

I think wikileaks is government plan to leak material they want to leak or that is supposed to be leaked.
Its like always in the world, there are two or more groups of opponents. In example religions, gouverments, countries, ect... this creates groups of different interests. The advantage is that groups are better to controll than millions of different opinions - not by gouverments no - even gouverments are controlled, google for "Bilderberger" if u are interested in this.

Thats why it is even wanted that Wikileaks becomes more famous imo - so it is much easier to controll the group of opponents if u are able to control the page.
I shouldve said elitist, but government translates to more people. I'm fully aware of whats going on.
have a look at this: nice vid
I see we are both open minded.

I hope some others clicks the link too.

Here is another good link with 3 movies even with a shitload of subtitles in many languages: i would start with the movie from 2007!
i think mubarak needs a nomination
if somebody deserves it thats them.
note: nobel prize deserved cause american government opposed it.
Wikileaks will lead into chaos, and the end of world shall come december 2012!
yes, best troll last year :pPPPpPPppp
haha n1 norway! america already werent liking them for their lack butsex on assange hounding (and also not willing to accept CIA agents in their country to "observe" asylum seekers) now they really gonna hate yo asses xD
They just mad cuz Norway is better.
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