Jailbreaked mah ps3 !

As the title say I just managed to get jailbreak working :PP Need some games I should download!

Already owned/downloaded/downloading:
-Super Street Fighter 4
-Fifa 11
-Soul Calibur 4
-Final Fantasy 13
-White Knight Chronicles
-Demon souls
-Eternal Sonata
-Valkyria Chronicles
-Blazblue: Calamity Trigger
-CoD: Black Ops
-Red Dead Redemption
-Dead space 2
-Fallout: New Vegas
-Heavy Rain

thanks in advance sexies ;)

practising this shit now

Alexandra Ledermann 5
Don't go palypaly online then :P
Thought you already did this if I am honest!
yeah yeah, but just tested mah first game :PP
Jailbreak with the most recent firmware or you just downgraded it ?
3.55 kmeaw custom firmware together with Gaia Manager. Only took me like 15 minutes to set everything up. It's a shame I don't got a fat32 external hdd around, So i have to upload the game to my playstation by ftp
is your hdd usb or e-sata? forgot to ask! :)
just got myself a ps3 slim, what firmware does it work on and if you got a later firmware can you downgrade?

and can you revert it after jailbreaking?

ps3 games are too fucking expensive, would like to download some games tbh :D

Just get the latest version of Gaia Manager, it has the lv2 patcher included. And as it is a firmware mod only it's pretty easy to revert it :)
Just hit me up on irc tommorow if you need help or anything
nice, cheers man
twizzt is such a nice guy!
Mommy told me to be nice
boring to play console alone :P

beer + friends + ps3 = win
with your ugly girls right
not mine, but sure thing
Twizzt can you please tell me how to do this?
hit me up on irc tommorow, gonna get some sleep now ^_^
kk mate goodnight :)
me too plz? <33 :D
haha sure :P
Assasins Creed: Brotherhood
Maffia II
Star Wars II
UFC Undisputed

and who gives a fuck, their free, fucking download EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!
Cool, does this jeopardise my ps3? i mean i have nfs hp on disk all legal, can i play that game online without having any safety risks? then i play downloaded games but just not online?
For now it's possible to play online using a dns trick, but I got no clue how long this is gonna work :P
star wars II

I was thinking of getting a second PS3 just to jailbreak. I need PSN.
dead space 2 is rly awesome !!!
Tekken 6 !
AC: Brotherhood
GT 5
Yakuza 3
GT5 !

jailbreaking is old ...

and u can get ban in few month :) with firmware update
Hope you get a ban.
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