strange lifestories - post them!

yo yo yo!

welcome to my le journal of the day.
in case i didn't get sleepy last night cause of dunno what lol i thought about things happend to me when i was young.
besides i was driving with a small mercedes with a gasoline motor when i was 6 years old, as you can see in my profile, i had some experiences which got burned in my mind.
in reference to this journal where's a link to a guy who got overdrived, i remembered last night that my mum overdrived our cat!!

and it looked exactly like that :/
our cat was sleeping on a tire of our car cause there it was warm and my mom wanted to drive into the city to go shopping. i was standing at the side of our car and could see that the cat got spinned in front of the car and she wanted to run away BUT her tail got clamped between the tire and the ground. her claws scratched the asphalt. it was a awfull sound and i screamed to my mum to stop. but she kept on driving slowly and the cat screamed so hard. it's head splashed all over the ground.

i was like i'm-7-years-old-and-what-is-this?
hard story...
i can say, i hadn't any effects to my psychology :)
My dad washed the splattered bones of the ground.
i'm no more mad at my mum nowadays.

so that was my story. did you have any simmilar experiences as a child?
would surprise me since this is cf!

and sorry for my engrich, you have to feel glad that u can read my story, k?!

image: Blumenwiese
lol wtf
tl;dr version needed
His mum drove over their cat when he was 7 and her (the cat's, not mommies) head splashed all over.. Therapy delivered though.
His mom drove over his cat when he was 7.
well, its not that "cool" like your story, but i almost killed a cat once (not on purpose...i LOVE cats!!!).

my mother and me were on vacation on tenerife, and there was something like a little "cat gang" (5 or 6 cats or smth).
because i love cats so much, i wanted to feed them with something, the only thing i had for them were some potatoe crisps.
i threw some to them and they seemed to like the taste of it, but suddenly one of the cats started making weird sounds...sounds like it couldnt swallow properly + like it couldnt breathe.
in this moment i was like O_O and didnt know what to do, the cat distanced itself from the other members of the "gang" but one of them (what i found really cute and friendly afterwards!) went after it with the same face expression like me (O_O) and it seemed that it was actually caring for its friend, what is not really that usual in the wilderness, because cats usually live a single life.
i was happy that the (weird sounds making) cat could finally swallow the crisps and that it started breathing normal again.
after that i didnt feed them with the crisps anymore and went away with a little shock about that i almost killed a cat. :D
my story isn't cool imo

thx 4 your story bro
yea i just had no word for it...

hmm i mean...its not as dramatic (?) as yours.
well you had a happy end ;)
Parent least i had. :(

feeling sorry for you.
np, i'm over it now since i posted it on cf :)
Crossfire - Your Psychologic Solution

Must of been a Dorito.
cats living a "single" life is simply not true :)
So I was walking out of the bar with lettu and walle last week when all of a sudden I spot this super hot blonde chick by side walk. So I called Dibs on her just in case lettu wanted her too. Then all of a sudden lettu yells "SHOTGUN!". And am like "Hey lettu but I called Dibs already". But then lettu starts yapping about how shotgun trumps dibs (which is not true) while walle just stands there with a stupid smirk on his face looking at the both of us.
So we both decided to let it go and forget about the blonde chick after-all Article 1 of the bro code clearly states; "Bros before Hoes". So then last night am going over to lettu's apartment and guess who I saw in the lobby....lettu talking to the hot blonde chick we had argued about. Turns out she lives in his apartment building and he didn`t even tell me.
When he gets back upstairs to his apartment we start arguing about it but then walle says "You guys are being immature. Lets have a race in the swimming pool to settle this. If lettu wins he gets the blonde chick...whatever her name is. If clouver wins he gets her but if I win no one gets her".
And to that I immediately replied "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!". Now listen to this guys, if there is one important lesson you learn today. Let it be this; Never ever ever ever ever ever ever turn down a Challenge. Simply because awesome people don`t turn down challenges. And although you may not be nearly as awesome as I am (obviously),
the fact that you are reading this means that you may have some amount of awesomeness inside you. But anyways back to the story. oh well Am not gonna even bother telling you who won, but I will say this though; awesome people rarely lose challenges....and am awesome. :')
That was: LEGEN...wait for it...DARY!
These kind of things affect you they way you dont realize lol. Get some psychology 101

I was in my street swinging this cat around by the tail. My sister came out of our house and said OMG Dan leave the cat alone and let it go, you idiot. So by accident I let go and it went flying and hit a garage. Then ran away...

And my cat

Was all grey (smokey light) called Beckham (yes lol), and it was a kitten still, and 1 day it went out and a dog from a neighbour killed it :(. I remember hearing screams and I came around the my kitten was dead on the floor and had wet and poo'd itself before dying because he was so scared :(. He is buried inside my parents back garden. That cat was my best friend then :(.
intense stuff indeed. feel free to join ts if you need somebody to talk to.
always be there for you, bro.

i feel your loss since my family's cat died last thursday.
last exam on monday. afterwards serious gaming incoming!
be prepared!
when i was 6 i had a hamster, and it was almost winter. My mom threw the hamster in the trash cause she thought it was dead, but it was doing its wintersleep so we didnt have hamster anymore :(
brb playing on [!!!]Hirnlos
i was like... 4? maybe 5. we had these cats round our house all the time, we didnt own them but they lived in our old garage which was more of like a storage room. and then one day i was playing with this one cat and it was raining. so at some point i realized i was dirty and all because of the mud, and so was the cat. i went home to tell my mum to clean me up and i took the cat with me. so i went in bathtub and took the cat with me which ended up me throwing the cat in the tub all the time and he climbing out (my mum didnt notice anything because she was in the other room doing some stuff). so after i tortured the cat i thought like "it needs to be dried up" so i actually threw him in the stove but he was fast and ran out. so i went after him to catch him in the room, after a while i got him. at that point my cousin(5-6 years?) came and he helped me to roll the cat up in the living room rug which we had at the time. and we were like stomping and jumping on him to make him dry. you could hear the cat scream his lungs out but we and our little baby mind thought it was ok. then my mother came in and saw the situation, and told us to go outside. after a few mins she comes out with the rug and goes to this small river we had in the backyard and threw him with the rug and all in the river. at that point i noticed we actually stomped the shit out of him.

im telling you tears are at my eyes as i type this. when i told this story to my sister few weeks back she went crying so hard, and i felt soooo bad. but i keep telling to myself i was 4 or 5 years old i didnt have any... companionship?? (if that's the right word)

true story
y ppl doing strange things sometimes. afterwards you think, wtf did i do? had similar situations too :(
i killed a cockroach :o oh the horror!!! :p
one time i saw a cat on the street and i yelled 'go away' to him, then he went away
Quotei can say, i hadn't any effects to my psychology :)

it surely did!
welcome to my le care of the day.
When I was eight I stole my parents' car and drove around town. Since I could barely look over the steering wheel I almost killed a granny. But thank God I didn't. In the end I just raped her.
nice happy end!
A couple of years back a friend of mine's little brother got a new cat and one night my friend woke up to a dead cat lying underneath him in bed. He rolled over it in his sleep. True story.
nothing crazy happened to me but my friend had a white hamster and a white rug so he didn't really see the hamster and stomped it : <
Decent amount of animal abusers in here.

Most retarded story was the one by anima.
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