Dreamhack Esport Announcement

DreamHack will participate in the launch party of the first Swedish eSports game ‘Bloodline Champions’ BLC. The presentation, party and exhibition tournament, with eSports stars such as TLO, SjoW and GeT_RiGhT, will be broadcasted online by LevelupTV. At 18.30 CET Stunlock Studios will present their Bloodline Champions eSports plans for 2011, and DreamHack will announce the first part of its 2011 eSports programme.

Make sure you don’t miss this! Presentation and Livestream starts 18:00 CET.

Venue: Inferno Online, Odengatan 60, SE-113 22 Stockholm, Sweden

Livestream: www.levelupyourgame.net/blc

(we're live most of the day with a webcam anyway)
But BLC is boring and just a replica of 100000 other games out there.
not true.
BLC does not feature any lane phase, levels, items or anything.
its round based skillshot action and that makes it VERY unique.
you can argue that LoL is a HoN ripoff and HoN is a dota ripoff [....] but BLC is actually a new idea.
that's one way to look at it ..
u r misleading, BLC => WOW Arena, HON/LOL => dota
i am the one to say that you can not compare blc to hon/dota.
and comparing it to WoW... well i assume you played neither
Can't say it's one of my favorite games either, DH haven't given much information prior to the event but i don't think it's just BLC that they are announcing - could be wrong though.
they didnt give you any info on what you're streaming? :P

PS you can put this in other news under eSports filter if you'd like
Just checked with the guy we have live there and they did, just not directly to me (boo :D). Also thanks, I'll make a little post now!

[13:31:25] Ziggy 'nVc' Orzeszek: is it just BLC being announced by DH or other games too?
[13:31:42] lvl^ Christian "Trance" Tamas: others including a big announcement about "x"
id strongly recommend bloodline champions to any LoL fan.
if you cant handle HoN then dont play a cheap ripoff but an actual game rather than HoN-light.
IOS always nice venue :D
not my taste of game, sry.
You know if anyone still plays TFC :D?
lvl^ 4tw l0l <3 ^--^

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