Truth about roleplaying and else

QuoteThe Occult Books of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons®

Let me tell You about the awful things you can find in the rulebooks of this satanic game. You shouldn't ever read them yourself unless You are very firm and strong in faith! If You see these books in the room of your children, burn them immediately!

QuoteInternet - the ANTICHRIST!!!

This is more alarming that I first thought! INTERNET is used by SATAN WORSHIPPERS, BLASPHEMERS, HOMOSEXUALS and other PEDOPHILES!!! I should say that the Game of Satan is raging IN OUR LORD'S net!!!

DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING THAT IS SAID IN INTERNET! They lie there! Only believe those that are true christians!!!
I've hear they offer child pornography in Internet! I tried to check if this was true, but had no success yet! INTERNET is the ANTI-CHRIST! Armageddon WILL come soon!

QuoteNEW: Finnish sauna is a healthy place and makes one relaxed and clean. BUT, parents should be always aware that sometimes the Sauna is a place where wicca girls etc. participate in satan-worshipping orgies! (The image to the right shows a genuine swedish wicca sauna.) A case example: my fellow christians suspected their daughter is involved in wicca and asked for my help (for I am expert in witch hunting). I set up a secret web-cam into the sauna and got proof that indeed their 14-year old daughter was defiling herself in the sauna. They sent her into a christian boarding school and she'll be healed by Lord Jesus.
dont worry lord jesus is taking care of her.
bullshit, pathetic, bullshit, miserable, bullshit, missleading, bullshit.
homosexual pedophile here
Possibly a goth and/or roleplayer, too.
im off to bed, god bless you.
"Lesbianism" in holy matrimony!

LESBIANISM IS ALWAYS A GRAVE SIN AND SODOMY! Make no mistake about it! However, two or more women pleasuring each other FOR THE PLEASURE OF THEIR HUSBAND is NOT lesbianism at all, it is perfectly ok! This is proven in the Bible!

Lesbianism is always evil! However, the one and only exception where women can have pleasure of each other is in the presence and for the pleasure of their husband. It is pleasurable for men to watch two women having sex, so this is good for their marriage. On the other hand, there is nothing more revolting than two homo men.

Originally, it was perfectly ok for one man to have many wives, says the Bible. So it has always been natural for the wifes to enjoy each other when the man was away. Also, wifes had sex with each other for the pleasure of their husband. So, this "lesbianism" is perfectly fine for wifes of their own husband (although it is not really lesbianism at all). Of course, it is UNNATURAL to have two women living together. That is ALWAYS a deadly SIN! Only when a man has MANY WIFES, may women to women sex be practiced for the pleasure of the man.

Likewise, so-called sado-masochism is a horrible sin! But when a man disciplines his wives, there's nothing wrong if he gains pleasure when their nude bodies writhe under the lash and they moan in pain. That should not even be called sado-masochism. Discipline for man's wives should always be in the nude so that man can avoid causing any harm accidentally.
Dunno what the problem is? :)
lack of phantasy? :) not my problem :)
Dunno what the problem is? :)
that Finland clouver > you?
yes, hes bigger than me
obviously, this is it !:D
even if there's one
QuoteInternet - the ANTICHRIST!!!

This is more alarming that I first thought! INTERNET is used by SATAN WORSHIPPERS, BLASPHEMERS, HOMOSEXUALS and other PEDOPHILES!!! I should say that the Game of Satan is raging IN OUR LORD'S net!!!

DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING THAT IS SAID IN INTERNET! They lie there! Only believe those that are true christians!!!
I've hear they offer child pornography in Internet! I tried to check if this was true, but had no success yet! INTERNET is the ANTI-CHRIST! Armageddon WILL come soon!

Oh the irony
Sarcasm is truly hard to detect and also a means of Satan to control the entirety of humanity.
way too early to read.
will read when I get back from work.
zombie mode activated
It's funny because many people think all that is true.
TERRIBEL NEWS!!!!!! USB which is that computer wire is marked ith SATAN'S TRIDENT! INTERNATONIAL COMSPIRACY OF SATAN is insiide computers!!!! Using USB is SATAN WORSHIPPING!!!!

image: usb_satan_symbol
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