Proof being a "troller" in W:ET ain't easy!

1.image: 00001030-1296769161-1334093388

2.image: 00001030-1296769938-1137889039
232 xp @ 3on3 and obviously got kicked :xD

3. profit ???

ps: slac screenshot :d
Selfbust of the year.
new vila
giveall @ 2nd :'D
Have seen quite a few servers with sv_cheats 0. No clipped through braundorf once and got kicked right away.
is shownormals allowed? I mean, CB wont ban for that?
no , you can use it as much as you want :)
troll ?

its not allowed ingame, since it is like wallhack. If you use it on ETTV or other nonpb/slac servers, then its okay, could even use real hax there because noone would care
" troll ?"

no :)
Enjoy getting banned for that, seeing that shownormals is a wallhack according to SLAC admin team and is just as bannable as having an actual wallhack in a SLAC screenshot:

2011-02-04 13:34:33< burneddi> khaplja: So using r_shownormals 1 in a match is cheating and bannable now? [referring to the Needle case, as you can see he is banned for a "positive" screenshot and his screenshots contain shownormaling]

2011-02-04 15:24:34<@khaplja> burneddi: how a wallhack is achieved is hardly relevant
2011-02-04 15:24:48<@khaplja> the guy was wallhacking where he had no right to do it, end of story
2011-02-04 15:25:45< burneddi> so how do you judge whether or not they had the right to do it
2011-02-04 15:26:45<@khaplja> burneddi: he used a wallhack in a match
2011-02-04 15:26:58<@khaplja> slac is a competition anticheat
2011-02-04 15:27:10<@khaplja> thus using wallhacks in matches is very bannable
stop trolling, there was "Cvar unlocker: ON" in echo @ needle's screenshot :p

thats a hack.
Cheater mad because he gonna get banned.
why wouldnt you get banned?
I dont really get what that stuff is all about?
Its ur slacscreen and you obviously had a hack.

enlighten me!
its not a hack, its from in game, but you can only use it with a cvar unlocker, or edit server config ( winterblabla, fall etc..) u just change sv_cheats 0 to 1

then load this config in game, and cheats are allowed ( r_shownormals 1, noclip, give ammo etc)

then have fun :D

but everyone can use it on the serv.
I'm with you on it not being a hack or a cheat, but khaplja has explicitly stated that to him it does not matter how a wallhack is achieved and he will give a SLAC ban for shownormals in screenshots.
QuoteNo, however those will probably be blocked as soon as screenshotting is in.

its now blocked with slac addons, but slac addons are only for public serv btw, thats what he said :)

so you do what do you want about ingame cheat without hack & with edited cfg, but in offi, you have to play with certified config ( edited cfg are not certified )
Did you even read the quote I pasted you?
who cares, i wont be banned for smth allowed :p
This is no bullshit, but the truth.
Besides, & isn't drawn like that
image: enswY
not my template, everyone knows what it means

image: 2mmtp3t
some ppl are just stupid
look at the ammo..
its not like its "just" r_shownormals 1

kartez hacks! always knew it
hf with ban retard.
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