pc problem.

dear crossies,

since a few days ago, I got this problem: everytime when I boot my pc, it restarts like 5-10x. I tried google, but gave me only solutions about your processor being overheated, which can't be cus I haven't changed anything. I also deleted lots of programs that start when my pc boots, but no change :/
could you help me out x)?

, which can't be cus I haven't changed anything

thats not very logical, it could be really dusty try cleaning the fans.
not changing anything doesnt mean your processor cant overheat.
remove any dust inside the case carefully
have u got thermal paste on ur cpu ?
check ur BIOS settings for anything involving a reboot // reset the settings
my pc was overheating aswell -> arctic silver on cpu -> profit
take open pc and stick vacuum cleaner in it, get every place there can be dust and voila!
Not really smart, a vacuum cleaner can create a lot of static eletricity
He should use a compressor or compressed air cans.
You can avoid it by touching the vacuums suction pipe every now and then with your finger. ZZZZAAAAAAAAAP! It removes the static electricity.
You don't know that for sure, since a small amount of static electricity, something what humans can't notice is already enough to do damage.
if it's not CPU.
I would blame the PSU, if your PC reboots while being under load, perhaps your PSU is failing and it can't handle the load anymore.

And if you say your complete specifications, helping you would be a lot easier.
It's ur processor. You need to open the van on top of it and take the processor and clean it.
buy a new pc retard :)
buy a new inet retard :)
there are things money cant buy, for everything else there's mastercard
wise words from an unwise man
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